1 | Trainiee Dorm

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Author-Nim's POV

The room was quiet. The only thing that could be heard was the small sound of everyone's gasps. Small pieces of luggage were being carried past them. Everyone looked around in awe of there surroundings.

Finally, the silence was broken. "Welcome, to our new home." Everyone turns around to see none other then there new leader, Bang Chan. "This place is..." Seungmin trailed off. "Big? I know. Jyp and I worked a few things out. This is a normal dorm for the trainees. You could fit a least 10 people in here."

Everyone seemed impressed. "How many rooms are there?" Woojin asked, looking out the window. The view from where they were was better than the workers. They were so high up that you could see the whole city. "6." Chan said, finally closing the door as the workers leave. "What will the extra room be for?"

Chan shrugs. "We will probably use it as an office, or possibly a practice room. I think I might turn it into a studio for us." Chan signals everyone to follow him to a large island. "Although well start training next week, Jyp gave us our schedule. From 3 to 5 am we have dance practice. We have a small break for extra classes, in this case how to act on tv. At 8 we'll-"

"Wait...we have to get up at 3 am?" Felix shouted. Changbin placed a hand on his shoulder. "Felix...calm down." Felix crossed his arms, causing Chan to chuckle. "Yes Felix, As a trainee your schedule is jammed packed. In the long run, you get good experience. You'll get used to it." Chan turned his attention back to the paper.

"At 8 we'll have vocal lesson's. We'll be split up from rappers to vocalist." Everyone nods as Chan continued on with the schedule.

"Alright...I think that's it." Woojin cheered causing everyone to turn to him. "Thank god! I'm so hungry right now! I suggest we get chicken!"

Chan sighs. "Were on a diet, Woojin. We can't have chicken." Woojin suddenly felt deflated. The one thing he cared about most is gone. He suddenly dropped to his knees.

"NNNNOOOOO!!" Felix as well as everyone else laughed. Chan claps his hands together. "Alright, let's go pick out rooms. First come, first serves."

Everyone stood there for a few seconds until they realized what was going on. Felix was already down the hall. He ran through each room quickly. He stopped at one with a large bed and a huge closet. "I chose this one!!" Felix said, plopping on the bed.

Everyone groaned. That was the only room with a balcony, as well as a large closet. Felix was proud of his decision.

"Scooch over." Felix sat up to see Changbin plop down next to him. "Why aren't you choosing a room?" Changbin sat up and looked at Felix.

"I'm not sharing a room with Seungmin. Plus, shouldn't I be allowed to share a room with my boyfriend?" Felix's face heats up. "Hyung...there's only one bed."

Changbin rolls his eyes. "I can see that." Felix sighs. "No I mean, we would have to share a bed." Felix was pointing to the bed. Changbin chuckled.

"We've shared a bed before. You act like you haven't snuck into my room the past few nights." Changbin ruffled his hair.

"I was cold and couldn't get the window closed." Felix protested. "Right, and going to my bed helps...how exactly?" Felix smiles. "Because your bed is warm and comfy."

Changbin shakes his head. "I'm getting our bags." And with that, he leaves the room. Felix smiles and digs his face into the pillow. 'What a cozy bed' Felix thought.

Changbin walked in with 2 bags. "Lix, come help me out will ya?" Felix groans and gets up. "I'm tired!" He whined.

"I am too...here." He hands Felix the bags and walks to the bed. "Hyung!" He whined. Changbin laughed a bit before taking the bags and placing them on the bed.

"We should unpack." Changbin was already pulling out clothes from his bag. Felix sighs. "Is Felix really that tired?" Felix nods, not noticing the way Changbin was talking.

"Felix needs more energy!" He whined. Changbin smiles. "Come here." Felix slumps and walks to him lazily. Changbin hugged him and pecked his nose. "Better?"

Felix nods, suddenly in a brighter mood. "I'm not fully charged yet, 3 more kisses will do." Changbin chuckles. He plants a kiss on the head, his nose, and then his lips.

"Ew..." they both turn to see Minho standing at the door. "Hello, Minhoe." Minho rolls his eyes. "I can't find my hairbrush. Did you by chance pick it up?" Changbin shook his head.

"Is it blue?" Minho nods. "Jisung has it." Felix pointed to Han, who was eyeing a bag of chips he brought with him. "Stupid diet." He said before stuffing them into his bag.

Minho finally leaves to attend to an angry squirrel. "Binnie?" Changbin hums. "Do you think I picked a good room?" Felix started hanging his clothes.

"Yeah. Chan did end up getting the biggest room though." Felix smiled. "But ours has a bathroom~" Felix stated. Changbin shook his head. "You're weird."

"So I've been told." Changbin playfully rolls his eyes as he places his shoes on the floor, lining them up next to Felix's.

"Noo!!!" Felix screamed. He was using Changbin's arm as a tissue to whip his tears.

"Felix...we've watched this a hundred times. Why are you crying?" Felix turned to Changbin with an offended face. "You have no soul." He said turning back to the tv. "Why does he have to die~!" Felix whined.

Changbin sighs. "Maybe I should have shared with Hyunjin." Changbin felt something smack his head. "Yah! I heard that!"

★彡 ^ 彡★

Uwu, Welcome back everyone!! If you haven't read the first book (His Assistant) then I suggest you read that first!  Or continue? It's your choice.

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