2 | Binnie

759 34 11

Author-Nim's POV

Felix flickered his eye's open as the sun shined onto to his face. "Binnie~" Felix whined as he turned to his side to cuddle the older. Felix patted the side next to him and shot up. He scanned the room and noticed there was a missing Changbin.

Felix quickly got out of bed, making sure to wrap a small blanket around him so he wouldn't get cold. Felix sleepily walked down the halls. As he walked into the kitchen an instant smell of breakfast filled the air.

"Morning Felix. Breakfast?" Woojin asked as he made a plate. "Have any of you see Binnie?" Woojin looked at Chan, who was cooking the eggs. They both shake there head. "No, we haven't. Did you check Hyunjin's room? I know Jisung and Jeongin are in there playing video games."

Felix shook his head. "I'll go check. Make a plate for me please." Woojin nodded as Felix walked out of the Kitchen. "You want to play video games, don't you?" Woojin smiled. "Yes, but I don't want to hear them cry that they lost. I rather make breakfast with you."

Woojin pecked Chan's cheek. Chan's cheeks turned a light pink tint. "P-please get me another plate." Woojin nodded with a grin. "Will do."

Felix slowly entered Hyunjin's room to see Jisung and Jeongin focusing on the screen in front of them. "Have you guys seen Changbin?" The two paused the game and turned to Felix. "Changbin? Yeah. Him, Minho, and Hyunjin are at the dance studio."

Felix nodded. "Thanks." The two didn't bother answering as they were already focused on their game. Felix made his way back to his room and plopped onto the bed. He might as well get ready to go down and join the three.

Felix quickly got ready. He threw on a pair of light blue ripped jeans and a white tee. He quickly threw on some sneakers and walked out. Before Felix could reach the door, Woojin stopped him.

"Are you going to eat your breakfast?" Felix looked at the plate Woojin was holding. It wouldn't hurt to eat. Felix nodded and happily took the food. He quickly ate and cleaned up his mess, only to quickly run out right after.

"Where do you think he's going?" Woojin shrugs. "Who knows." The two just shrugged and continued to eat there breakfast.

Felix entered the practice room and his eye's immediately landed on the person he was looking for. Felix ran up to him and hugged him. Changbin quickly turned around to see Felix. "Lix? Why are you here? Are you going to practice with us?"

Felix nodded. "You did even tell me you left." Felix pouted. Changbin chucked. "My phone's been on the charger and I didn't want to wake you." Felix nods. "You're forgiven. Now, what dance are we learning?"

"Twilight by Oneus." Felix stopped hugging Changbin and turned to Minho. "Who's one...us?" Hyunjin pulled out his phone and quickly typed something. After a few minutes, he showed Felix the choreography.

"There a 6 member group. This song kinda popped up on my recommendation, and that's how I found them. The dance looked cool so I suggested that we learn it." Felix nods as he continued to watch the dance.

The song was quite catchy and the choreo didn't seem too hard. "Okay. So how does the dance go?" Hyunjin took his phone back and lined up in front of the mirror. He signaled for Felix to come over.

Felix walked over and watched as Hyunjin taught him the dance all the way up to the chorus. Changbin and Minho danced in the corner trying to perfect the dance.

"Wait...so who's part am I doing?" Hyunjin sighed before pulling up the video again. "Him. The one in pink. I think his name is Hwanwoong." Felix nods. "So that means I would start out here, and you would be..."

"Here." Hyunjin pointed to the place he was at. "Right." Felix ran over the moves a few times before taking a break. "Have you guys learned the chorus yet?"

They all three shook their heads. "Okay then. Hyunjin send me the video." Hyunjin sighs again as he takes out his phone, again. A few minutes later the message was sent and Felix's phone dinged.

Minho leaned over Felix's phone as Felix watched the chorus. "I think it's like this." Minho did a few moves and Felix switched between the two. "That looked like it was it. How did you-"

"I have a good memory. It's good for cases like these." Felix nods. "So how does it go again?" Minho repeats the move but slower this time. Felix soon picks it up and smiles with excitement.

"Binnie! Did you see that? It looks cool right?" Changbin chuckled and nodded. "Yes Felix, I did. I'm also learning the same dance as you." Felix giggled. "I forgot. Whoops?"

"From the top?" Everyone nodded as they got into there spots. They all practice until Chan and Woojin came up to invite them out for Lunch. The lunch was treated by none other then BamBam himself.

BamBam, as well as Got7, wanted to treat there past Assistants to a nice meal to congratulate them on becoming Trainees.

During the lunch, they each shared tips on how to debut quicker and what to expect. Chan took note of everything as he found everything useful.

Everyone was having a great time, Including Felix. Him and BamBam mostly dabbed, annoying the others, but all in all, everyone had a great time.

★彡 ^ 彡★

Y'all should stan Oneus. Twilight has been stuck in my head for a month. I'm thinking of learning the dance. Hwanwoong's part is what I'm going to learn. I was going to do Ravn's part, but I changed it.

I'm sorry if the chapter is a little bad. I kinda rushed to edit it, so it wasn't edited properly. Knowing me I'll fix it later.

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