3 | Rules Are Rules

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Author-Nim's POV

Everyone yawned as they all sat in the meeting room they all once worked in.

"Good morning everyone. Before we start filming, and training of course, I need you guys to answer a few things."

Everyone nods. "Each of you gave your manager your sizes?" They all nod. "Good."

"You guys are aware of the rules and everything." Everyone nods again. "So we're clear, none of you are dating?"

The room fell silent. Jeongin finally spoke up. "Are we not allowed to date?" Jyp shook his head.

"It's one of the biggest rules. It's so the fans don't go crazy and so scandals don't happen."

Jyp scanned the 9 of them. "So none of you are dating anyone, right?" They all shook their heads.

"Good." Jyp continued to talk as Felix began to space out. How did he miss that? How come everyone was okay with this?

Does that mean everyone broke up? Will Changbin break up with him? Oh god, Changbin will break up with him!!!

"Lix?" Felix felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned his head to see Changbin. "You alright?"

Felix shook his head. "We'll talk about it after the meeting, Okay?" Changbin gave a warm smile while rubbing Felix's back.

Everyone waited for the meeting to be over and to reach the dorm to crowed Chan.

"What are we gonna do Hyung?! There suppose to install camera's tomorrow!!"

Chan waved his hands to calm everyone down. "Everyone, just calm down. We'll need to figure this out together."

Chan looked at the paper Jyp had given him. "They will let us know when cameras will be rolling. So, everyone will just have to be secretive."

Chan sighs. "Otherwise I'm not sure what to do." Everyone nods in understanding.

"That's it then. Everyone just be prepared for the cameras."

A month had past and everything had seemed to be going smoothly. Everyone was trying there best to be 'casual' on camera.

Today was there first Vlive. Everyone was excited because this would be after the announcement of there debut.

It was surprising that they were debuting so soon, but Jyp said they were ready.

Everyone gathered their things and got ready. A few were fixing there hair, and the others were eating Woojin's wonderful breakfast.

"Thanks, Hyung!" Jeongin flashed a big smile. "Your welcome kiddo." Woojin smiles back.

After an hour had passed, everyone sat in front of the camera. They watched as unexpectedly people started joining.

"That's weird...why are there so many fans already?" Hyunjin leaned forward to face Chan.

"You didn't hear him? Jyp published our performance from the competition we did."

Chan quickly pulled out his phone and searched the performance video. "When did he record this?" Everyone shrugged as they tried to watch the video.

"Minho move over I can't see." Minho huffs. "Neither can I! Jisung move your arm!"

Jisung rolls his eyes and turns to the camera. "They're starting to comment."

Everyone looked up from Chan's phone and started to read the comments.

"Introduce ourselves? They want us to introduce ourselves." Chan nods. Chan started off, and one by one each of the said their names.

What made it more enjoyable was that they each added something to it. For instants, Jeongin did a bit of ageyo.

They all continued to answer questions and share a good laugh. Felix giggled a bit.

His gaze slowly landed on Changbin unexpectedly. Changbin was smiling widely as he enjoyed the conversation the group was having.

Felix's heart skipped. Changbin was perfect in every way. The way he wo-

"Please tell me you take my side on this Felix?!" Felix snapped out of his thought and looked at Jisung.

"What?" Jisung sighs before repeating himself. "Don't you think that I could beat Hyunjin in a hand wrestling match?!"

Felix slowly nods. "See! Felix agreed!" The rest continued to argue as Felix slouched in his chair.

What were the rest even talking about? Felix's gaze slowly adverted to Changbin, who happened to be staring at Felix with a confused expression.

Felix smiled at Changbin and gave him a playful wink. It soon turned into them doing small funny gestures.

They hadn't realized that they were doing their own thing until Chan called their names.

"It's Changbin and Felix in one room. Me and Woojin In another. Seungmin has his own room. Then Minho and Jisung. Finally, Hyunjin and Jeongin share the other."

"As for the final room, we haven't decided what to use it for yet." Woojin adds. "We were thinking of just making it an office."

"Or a gaming room..." Felix quickly says. Everyone did a small laugh. "Or a gaming room."

After awhile the Vlive ended and everyone happily went to there rooms. Felix quickly ran to his room and plopped onto the bed.

"Tired?" Felix shakes his head, not even bothering to look up. "I miss you."

Changbin chuckled. "Felix...you were away from me for 20 minutes. Besides, I was only 2 chairs down from you."

"That's still far." Felix pouted. Changbin laid down next to him and pulled out his phone.

"Youtube?" Felix nods. "Can we watch the new music video by Twice? Everyone's talking about it."

Changbin nods and types it in. The two sat and watched the music video. Felix doing the small hand gestures and singing along to the music video.

Once the music video was over, Chan stepped into the room. "Hey, they're rolling the cameras in 10 minutes."

Chan then leaves the room. Felix sighs. "I hate these rules." Changbin pecked Felix's cheek before getting up.

"Me too. Now up." Felix raised a brow. "Why?" Changbin gets up and grabs his coat.

"I want to practice, but I don't want to go alone." Felix smiles. "Hold on, let me change first!"

Changbin chuckles. "I'll be waiting by the door."

★彡 ^ 彡★

This was so hard to make. I had like...idk. Like I knew what to write, I just couldn't really think of how to write it.

I also haven't been feeling myself recently, so I am trying to put myself first before writing.

Please stay healthy everyone♥️

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