10 | Dance Practice

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"Hello everybody!" Hyunjin said in English, waving Hi to their fans. "Why did you say Hi in English?" Hyunjin shrugged. "Because I felt like it."

(A/N Hyunjin's English is so cute! I can't-)

Jisung came running in. "Is Chan around?" Woojin shook his head. "No, he's in his studio. Why?" Jisung started laughing. "Chan! Channie!" Jeongin gasped.

"You forgot to say Hyung!" Jisung shook his head laughing. "Chan's not around!" Jisung quickly checked and started joking around again. Each of the members was gasping and giggling as they watched a nervous Han Jisung joke around. 

Jisung jumped when he heard Chan's studio door open. "Good afternoon Chan." Woojin greeted. A few snickers could be heard as Jisung slowly backed away.

"Morning Chan-hyung!" Jisung awkwardly said. "You know I was watching the live, right?" Jisung jumped. "Uh oh." Jeongin giggled.

"Jisung, you better run!" Jisung took off, Chan chasing after him. The two chased each other around the dorm until Chan finally caught him.

"I'm too young to die!" Jisung screamed as chan started to tickle him. "What are they, 5?" Minho asked. "I think they are." Seungmin agreed. "Wrong, there a bunch of 3-year-olds." The two turned to Woojin who shook his head. 

"Me and Jeongin are gonna go to the practice room so the fans don't hear Jisung dying." Woojin nods, running over to the kitchen. "Here, take something to drink. I don't want you guys to get dehydrated."

The two gladly take the water bottles and thanked Woojin. They both soon start to make there way to the practice room, running into a few people along the way.

"Are you two live?" Bambam looked at Hyunjin's phone. "Yep! Wanna say Hi?" Jeongin asked. BamBam nods. "Hi!" The comments soon came flooding in with people saying hi back. Hyunjin chuckled.

"Can I do one more thing before I go?" Hyunjin nods, turning the camera towards Bambam. Bambam was about to do something when Mark stopped him. 

"Bambam, we have to go. Jackson needs us to meet in the dorm." Bambam sighs. "I was about to show the fans a new-"

"Bam, we have to go now." Bambam sighs again. "Bye, everyone," Bambam said, sulking his way to his dorm. "Hey guys," Mark said, high fiving the two.

"Wanna say Hi? We're live right now." Mark waved Hi before leaving. "That was fun." Hyunjin nods, agreeing.

"What move do you think Bambam was going to do?" Hyunjin shrugged. "I would assume a dab or some meme dance." Jeongin nods, skipping a little. "Agreed!"

The two stop when they hear music coming from the practice room. They peak in from the window to see Felix and Changbin.

"I don't remember them leaving this morning." Hyunjin nods. "Same. Wanna spy on them?" Jeongin giggled. "Yes!" The two slowly open the door and turn the camera so fans could see.

They sat in the corner where Changbin and Felix wouldn't see them. 

[Changlix focus]

Felix danced around singing to the lyrics. "1 2 3 let's go!" Felix started giggling as he watched Changbin trying to keep up with him. "C'mon Binnie! You can do better than that!"

Changbin paused. "I'm not a dancer Felix, I'm a rapper. Lower your expectations please." Felix giggled. "Ready?" Changbin sighs, already know what Felix was about to do.

Felix got into position. "Let's dance the night away!" Felix then started doing the dance, singing the lyrics and giggling. 

Felix paused for a breath when the song finally ended. "What song should we do next?" Changbin walked over to his phone that connected to the speakers. 

"Ummm...how about a BlackPink song?" Changbin shrugged. "Like what?" Felix ran over "Hmmm...Du-Du-Du?" Changbin shrugged. "Sure. Let me put it on first."

Changbin pressed play and the song started playing. Felix jumped in excitement and started running over to the mirror.

"Before I start dancing around, let me warn you. I have no idea how the dance goes." Changbin nodded. "Neither do I." 

Felix then started dancing around as the music played. Changbin paused, laughing at Felix. "It's not funny! I saw someone do that and it looked cool!" Felix huffed.

"I'm not laughing because it's bad, it was actually pretty cute." Felix huffed again when Changbin started to mimic the dance.

"Aw, stop pouting. I'm only teasing you." Changbin walked over and hugged Felix, causing Felix to hug him back.

"You know, you're cute, but such a handful." Felix giggled, looking at Changbin. "I know!" Changbin shook his head, smiling, and leaned up. Placing a little peck to Felix's lips.

(A/N bEcAuSe Of ThE hEiGhT dIfFeReNcE)

The two paused when they heard a small gasp. 

★彡 ^ 彡★

For the next few chapters, you will be getting updates on Fridays.

I felt extremely motivated yesterday and wrote 3 whole chapters, and I'm extremely proud of myself.

Also, Sometimes I forget Changbin is shorter than Felix and picturing the situation (Like when there hugging) for some reason makes me laugh.

This chapter was also poorly edited...so...I apologize.

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