11 | Panic Attack

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The two paused when they heard a small gasp. Felix stepped away from Changbin and went to turn off the music.

Changbin then noticed two people crawling there way to the door. Changbin walked over and crouched in front of them.

"What are you two doing?" Jeongin jumped, falling back onto Hyunjin. "W-well uh...surprise?" Hyunjin held up his phone, showing that they were live.

Changbin's eye's widened. "You didn't catch anything on camera...did you?" Hyunjin and Jeonign pursed their lips.

"What, what is it- are we live?" Changbin nods, staring at the comments. "Oh god, Jyp is going to kill us." Felix started to panic.

"Or worse, Chan and Woojin." Felix paused. "Maybe we should not go back to the dorm tonight? Or maybe we could-"

"Felix calm down." Changbin stood up and hugged the younger, trying to calm him down. "I know, I know. I just- we just got over this."

"Over what?" Felix hugged Changbin tightly. "From being separated. Binnie, what if that happens again?" Changbin sighs.

"We just need to talk to Chan and Jyp, I'm sure we'll be able to fix this." Changbin then turned to Hyunjin. "But first, you need to turn that live off." Hyunjin nods, turning it off after whispering goodbye to the fans.

"Now let's go talk to Chan. I'm sure he'll figure out something to do." Felix nods and the four make there way back to the dorm.

"So let me get this straight. You were spying on them, caught them kissing, and didn't end the live?" Hyunjin and Jeongin hesitantly nod.

"You two are in so much trouble. You both realize what you did, right?" Hyunjin and Jeongin nod, looking down at the ground.

Chan sighs. "I'll have a talk with Jyp, who I'm sure is mad due to us breaking a rule. You two can go." Hyunjin and Jeongin nod and quickly leave the room.

"Do you want some water?" Chan shook his head. "I'm sure JYP will understand." Chan shook his head again. "It's not that. It's the fans I worry about. International fans are okay but Korean ones? We'll probably lose a lot of them."

Woojin took a seat next to Chan. "Chan, we have a fan meet next week. Let's just try our best to stay strong. I'm sure we'll still have many fans. If not, then what was all of this hard work for?" Chan nods, looking over at Woojin.

"I guess your right." Woojin smiled. "I know I am, now come help me make lunch. Jisung was complaining that he's hungry."  

"Why can't he make it?" Woojin stared blankly at Chan. "Chan...that's literally the worst thing you could do." 

"Ohhh, right. He almost burnt the dorm down last time. Okay, okay. Let's go then." Chan chuckled.

★彡 ^ 彡★

Ahhh! The next chapter is the last chapter!! 


I just rescued a cat (He's a kitten) and were calling him Lee. His nickname will also be Smokey since he's a smokey cat. (What are the odds that we get a black cat when Halloweens next week?)

Last night was his first night with us, and he slept in my room (He kept trying to snuggle next to me T-T it was so cute). He's so attached to me too! Like he hates my baby sister already. He also keeps licking me and I can't help but uwu because he's so cute.

Anyways, this chapter is also poorly edited. I do apologize! I do have a plan to go back and fix each chapter to make sure they're good! So, don't worry.

Anyways, have a good day/night!!

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