8| Late Nights

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Felix was silently sitting on the couch. He had been there for hours, waiting. 3RACHA had been working in the studio for 5 days now. They wanted to get this album done, rather they slept or not.

The rest of the group mostly did Vlive's and Interview's while the three were gone. During the Vlive's, the fans would always ask where the other three were and it just upset the younger, knowing that Changbin probably is barely eating and not getting enough rest.

Felix sighs as it almost hits 5 am. Chan had informed the group about them coming home today, and Felix wanted to there when they arrive. Felix laid back onto the couch, slowly letting his eye's close.

A small shake caused them to open again. "Hm? Woojin-hyung?" Woojin gave a soft smile. "They're on there way here." Felix then sat up rubbing his eye's. He looked down to see he was wrapped in a blanket.

"You fell asleep, so I covered you up. It gets pretty cold at night." Felix nods, pulling out his phone. Felix squinted his eye's, trying to adjust to the bright light. As soon as his phone didn't bother his eye's, he looked at the time. It was 9 am.

"You shouldn't do that you know." Woojin sat down next to Felix, handing him some water. "Do what hyung?" Woojin gave a soft smile, fixing the blanket around Felix.

"Stay up like that. I get you were excited, but you also need to rest. You're still young and rest is important." Felix nods, sipping his water. "Now go get ready. When they get here were all going out to eat."

"Really?" Woojin nods. "It's JYP's treat. For everyone working hard to get the album done." Felix smiles. "That's sweet of him. I'm gonna go get ready now hyung." Felix then got up and made his way to his room.

Felix came out moments later to find everyone standing by the door. Soon the door opened and someone walked in. Jisung plopped his bag down and held out his hands. "Miss me?" Minho scoffed, hugging him.

"Not a chance." Jisung lightly giggled. "Pick up your bag, would ya? Someone's going to fall." Chan kicked Jisung's bag aside, walking into the dorm. "Let me help you." Woojin quickly ran over to Chan and grabbed one of the bags.

"Welcome back." Woojin smiled. "It's nice to be back." They shared a giggle as they made their way to the living room. Felix stood by the door, waiting for Changbin, but no one came.

"Where's Binnie?" Chan and Jisung look at each other. "I swear he was right behind us." Chan nods. "Same." Felix frowns. Where could he be?

"I'm back..." Felix turned around and saw Changbin. He smiled and quickly ran to him, making sure to hug the shorter male. "I missed you," Felix mumbled.

"Me too Lix, me too." Changbin held the taller close, lightly stroking his hair. Felix held tightly onto Changbin, taking in the warmth he so dearly missed.

The two stood like that for a few minutes before Chan had to break the two up. "I'll see you in a bit." Changbin patted the taller's shoulders before picking up his bag and walking to his room.

Felix had a wide smile on his face. "Oki Binnie~!" Felix then skipped to his room. "Glad to see those two are happy," Hyunjin commented. "Agreed. Hearing Felix pout was killing me." Seungmin shook his head slowly.

"Well, I'm not happy." Everyone turned to Jisung, who had his arms crossed pouting. "Huh? What is it hyung?" Jeongin asked. Jisung then pointed to Minho.

"Minho won't say he missed me." Minho shrugged. "Because I didn't."

"Bull shit. You were out here on the couch waiting for him with Felix." Minho shot a glare at Woojin. "Your dead to me." Woojin chuckled.

"All of you stop. Go get ready before I call JYP and cancel the plans." Everyone groaned as they made their way to there rooms.

"Mean hoe."


"Go get dressed you two."

★彡 ^ 彡★

This was pretty much a short chapter. I think a filler chapter is what there called? oops...

Anyways...I would like to sit down and discuss Amber's (from fx) album that will be released sep. 27. Now as you can see-

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