5 | Don't Do That

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[Felix focus//3rd person]

Everyone sat down doing there live. Each smiling and laughing together.

A week had passed and both boys seemed to have been doing fine. They started ignoring each other completely.

They were too scared to risk anything. Especially when the cameras were rolling.

Felix zoned out as everyone laughed. Nights had been sleepless for him. How was he supposed to sleep when he couldn't even talk to the person he likes?

"Yeah I know last-" Felix was snapped out of his thought when Changbin placed his hand onto Felix's thigh.

Felix smiled widely. Should he try something? Felix looked back to see the staff not say anything.

Changbin removed his hand and continued to talk. They all start laughing. Now was his chance.

Felix did the first thing that came to mind. He lightly slapped Changbin's shoulder and then placed his hand into Changbin's thigh.

A bright smile was plastered onto his face. This was it. This was the first interaction they've had together in weeks.

Felix's thoughts were cut short when his eye's landed onto a staff member. They were signaling for Felix to remove his hand.

Felix's smile dropped as he removed his hand. Everyone started laughing again. No, everyone but Felix started laughing.

There was no point. He felt empty. One of the members got up and grabbed the camera.

"Goodnight Stay, rest well! We love you."

"I love you more stay!!" Everyone was laughing. Hyunjin waved goodbye before ending the live.

Felix was the first to get up. He made his way to his room and closed the door.

[Changbin focus//3rd person]

Changbin sighed in relief as the live ended. The look on Felix's face made his heart drop.

"Hey, Chan. How much longer until the camera's turn on?" Chan pulled out his phone.

"A good 20 minutes why-" Changbin walked off before Chan could finish.

Changbin slowly opened the door to find Felix getting frustrated that his tv wasn't working.

Changbin walked in and closed the door. He quickly made his way to Felix and hugged him.

"Woojin I don't want a hug right now-" Felix paused when he saw Changbin. He bit his lip.

"Changbin, you can't be in here. Staff are still in the apartment and the cameras shou-"

"20 minutes. We have 20 minutes." Felix nods and turns around, digging his face into Changbin's neck.

Tears started falling down his face. "Binnie I can't do it. I can't keep this up. I want to talk to you. I want to be able to-"

Felix choked on his tears. Changbin slowly stroked Felix's hair, shushing him.

"I know Felix. I know." Felix's hands gripped tightly onto Changbin's shirt.

"Can you two take this somewhere else? I would like to rest before the camera turn on."

Changbin turned to see Seungmin standing at the door. "Just give us a minute."

Seungmin sighs. "Only because Felix is crying." Seungmin walked past the two.

"I'll text you, okay?" Felix nods, moving away and wiping his tears. Changbin let's out a small sigh before exiting the room.

Seungmin waited for Changbin to be fully out of the room before running up and hugging Felix.

"It's okay Lix, I know how hard it is to be away from a loved one for a long time."

Felix wiped the tears off his face. "Y-your dating someone?" Seungmin sighs.

"No. But I haven't seen Day6 around here in over a month and I'm starting to think-"

Felix huffs and walks out of the room. "Hey!! I wasn't finished!!"

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