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I am Uploading this story from my Quotev account.

Your P.O.V.

Today had been your birthday. You had turned (Y/A)(Your Character is from 8 years old for plot reasons.). You had celebrated it with your parents and your big sister Aliza. Now most kids would have celebrated it with their friends two, but you didn't really have any. You were really shy, and distrusted others. Because of this it was hard for you to make a bond with someone, let alone maintain that bond. You were not that close to your parents, but you still loved them. The person you were closed to was your sister. You two were inseparable, and she was the most important person in the word to you. The only other people you interacted with where your "Imaginary friends." They didn't seem "imaginary" to you, and you couldn't really call them friends exactly. They could be nice sometimes, but they could also be really scary. They weren't the only things you found scary. You were scared of alot of things, and tended to be quite a worry wart at times. One of the things you were scared of was going outside. This was because you and your family lived on Mt.Ebbot. You were terrified of the monsters that were said to live in the mountain. You parents had told you stories of how they would kidnap children and steal their souls. It didn't help that people were said to go to the mountain and never return. Since you never left the house, you were home schooled. You sister though attended public school in the city, and had gone there that night to sleepover at a friend's. It was late at night when you were suddenly woken by a loud crash coming from downstairs. You bulted up in fear. You slowly crept to your bedroom door. You feared what could happen if you went downstairs, but you feared what would happen to your parents if you didn't go more. After making up you mind, you crept down the stairs. Oh how you wished you hadn't. Your parents where standing face to face with a tall man that had a large knife. Your mother instantly took notice of your presence.

"(Y/n)?! Get away! Run!"

You couldn't move. You were frozen in fear, as the man charged at you. You closed your eyes, and braced for pain. But it never came. You slowly opened you eyes to see your father standing before you. He fell to the ground coughing up blood. Tears streamed down your face as you watched the lfe drain from your father's eyes. You were helpless to do anything as the man turned to you mother with an insane laugh. He pinned her to the ground, and began stabbing her over, and over , and over... You cried out in grief as you watched as both your parents were slaughtered before your eyes, their blood staining your pajamas. The man covered in blood turned to face you with a sickening grin. You started your back away before turning and bolting from the house with him hot on your trail. You ran and ran, not daring to look back. You didn't notice that you were heading higher up the mountain, nor did you notice the giant hole right in front of you. One moment you were running from a psychopath, and the next you were falling into the darkness.

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