3. The Road to Rivendell

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Kaylea led her horse away from the Dwarves to a secluded spot a bit further up the trail where the creek bent back to the west. She unsaddled Trajen, poured him some grain and rubbed him down, then turned him loose to graze. Kaylea did not anticipate the party would start moving quickly this morning.

She walked down to the stream, removing her weapons. Hector was already standing motionless in the current, watching for a fish. She removed her garments and rinsed, them, then set them to dry. The water in the stream was clear and cold, the sun was up promising a warm day. It felt good to scrub herself clean after the night's hunting. She and Thorin had done a good night's work.

Kaylea was still trying to understand her attraction to this man. It had been so immediate and so strong it had taken her by surprise. Spending the night with him so close had been more distracting than she would like to admit. She kept remembering how it felt to have him riding behind her, his arms around her waist, his breath on the side of her neck. That moment when she was binding his arm and she had felt he was about to kiss her. She had very much wanted him to, but also felt it was more important to keep some distance between them. Kaylea shook her head remembering, she really didn't know if she would have let him do it. She felt she needed to fully understand this attraction before she acted on it.

When she was clean Kaylea sat on a rock and rebraided her hair. The morning sun was warm with just a hint of a breeze, she was quickly dry enough to dress and retrieve her weapons. It was strange to be enjoying such a peaceful morning after the hunt last night, but as always Middle Earth was a study in contrasts. You could spend your night slaying monsters and the sun would rise the next day on sparkling mountains, newly leafed trees swaying in the breeze, the sound of clear running water. After Hector had enjoyed his scaly breakfast Kaylea sent him to keep an eye on the Dwarves. From the sound of it they were also enjoying a bathe and she wanted to make sure they were finished before she moved to join them. Kaylea was debating whether to start some coffee when Hector appeared and sent her an image of the Hobbit coming her way. The wolf went back to watching the Dwarves as Bilbo Baggins came around the bend, carrying two cups. The smell of coffee preceded him, as he nervously watched Hector walk past. The dire wolf's head was as high as his own. Seeing Kaylea he smiled, a bit hesitantly and held up a cup. Bilbo had to admit he found her a bit intimidating, more so than even Gandalf.

"I thought you might like some coffee," he said. "Bofur is still working on some breakfast. I am Bilbo Baggins, by the way."

"Thank you," Kaylea replied gratefully, accepting the cup. She regarded the Hobbit curiously. "Kaylea Wolf. It is a surprise to meet a Hobbit out here in the Wild. How do you come to be on this adventure, Master Baggins?"

"Oh, that is mostly Gandalf's doing," he replied. He took a seat on a rock, sipped at his coffee and told her a very abridged version of how he had come to have a Dwarf party at his house. He did not tell her where the party was headed, only that Gandalf had promised him an adventure and so far it had been one.

Kaylea listened quietly, sipping at her coffee. The wizard had found another way into Erebor, a secret entrance most likely or it would have been used before this. The dragon had sealed the front gate, and there was no point in using that route anyway unless you were bringing an army. He couldn't send a Dwarf in first, the dragon knew their smell, but might not react at all to the unfamiliar smell of a Hobbit. Smart.

Hector appeared on the rocks, an image of the Dwarves dressed and talking beside the stream appeared in her head.

"Shall we go and join the others?" Kaylea asked Bilbo. The Hobbit looked from her to the black wolf and back again.

"Does he talk to you?" He asked. Bilbo had only once before seen a wolf, as they were not common in the Shire and it had been not nearly so large. He found the idea of a talking wolf somehow even more frightening.

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