5. A Hard Parting

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The second morning after Thorin learned the secrets of his map he and his company were in the courtyard of Rivendell readying to leave in the pre-dawn light. The Elves had provided them with provisions and supplies, the Dwarves were busy making sure everything was properly secured and the ponies ready for the journey over the mountains. Gandalf was there on his horse who had found his way to Rivendell after the wizard had set him loose before taking the Hidden Path. Thorin hesitated to give the word to move out, repeatedly looking around for Kaylea Wolf. She had told him she would accompany them but he had not seen her since the evening on the gallery. He breathed a long sigh of relief when at last he saw her come up the side path on her black horse wearing her travelling clothes, her wolf trailing behind. He felt a surge of pride to see she was still wearing the beads he had given her in her hair.

Gandalf cleared his throat and looked somewhat disapprovingly at Thorin. "Can we set out now?"

Thorin nodded and Gandalf at once led the company to the road out of the valley. Kaylea held up her horse to ride at the back, as she had before. Thorin also stayed his pony to ride just in front of her.

"I am glad you are joining us, my lady," he told her, looking back with a smile. Kaylea nodded and smiled back but said nothing.

The company turned north at the Ford of Bruinen and began to travel up gradually into the mountains by winding paths. The day began with sunshine but about midday clouds moved over them, threatening rain. By some luck the rain never came and the day passed uneventfully. The sun had just set when the company stopped for the night. Kaylea had disappeared again sometime in the afternoon, Thorin had looked back and she was gone. The Dwarves had some dinner and set a watch. They had heard no sign of pursuit but it was best to be careful in these empty lands. Thorin was restless and paced about until the middle of the night before he finally threw himself down and wrapped himself in a blanket.

The sky was just turning grey with the coming dawn when Thorin awoke. He sat up and looked around, all his companions were asleep except Gloin, smoking his pipe by the fire. Looking to the east he saw Kaylea's horse through the trees grazing. He got up quietly and headed towards the horse, smoothing his garments and quickly running his fingers through his hair. He saw a fire ahead and found Kaylea sitting beside it, mending her horse's tack. She looked up as he approached.

"Good morning, my lady," Thorin said, bowing slightly. "I thought you said you would ride with us, but you seem to prefer your own company."

"Just looking ahead, my lord," Kaylea replied. She set her mending aside and motioned for him to sit beside the fire. "Would you like some coffee?"

Thorin nodded, Kaylea reached into her saddle bag producing a flat disc of metal that transformed into a tall cup with the flick of her wrist. She poured him some coffee from a sort of kettle sitting near the fire and sat back down to take up her mending again. Thorin sipped at the coffee, it was very strong and had a slight flavor of cinnamon. Just the smell of it made him feel awake and refreshed. The two of them sat without speaking for a time as the eastern sky turned pink. Kaylea finished her task and set the tack aside. She rose to refill their cups.

"This is very good," Thorin said, looking slyly up at her. "One day I must visit this Dorsai. A place of good coffee, strong medicines, unbelievable weapons...and beautiful women."

Kaylea chuckled as she sat down next to him. Thorin looked at her searchingly, suddenly feeling the time they would have together was now very short.

"My lady, may I speak plainly?"

She turned to face him. "I would prefer you always speak plainly to me, my lord. But allow me to speak first." Thorin nodded, motioning her to continue. "We are both soon to embark on difficult and dangerous tasks. I have found it best to undertake such quests with a clear and focused mind. I feel the affection that has grown between us the same as you do, but let us not speak of it until we have passed through these dangers we will soon confront."

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