8. Unfinished Business

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The night of the victory feast was the first time since Erebor had been reclaimed that the great dining hall was full to bursting. Dwarves, Men and Elves sat at laden tables to celebrate the return of the King Under the Mountain. Bard came from Dale and sat in a place of honor. Dain sat at Thorin's right hand and the two would spend much time in conversation. There was music and much laughter and drinking games. The Dwarves it seemed did not care much for ceremony once the meal had started, they got up from their seats and wandered the hall talking to each other and sitting where they liked. I was a very merry gathering, quite different from the grand ceremonial feasts of the Elves that Kaylea had attended in the past. She was seated down the table from Thorin and while they had made some eye contact during the meal, they did not speak. After the first few courses had been served and the singing and drinking was in full swing, Kaylea looked and saw Thorin apparently in the middle of telling Dain and several other Dwarves a long story. She took her chance to slip quietly away. This was not really her celebration and the hall full of pipe smoke and music made her long for some quiet.

She walked the passages back to her quarters, her wolf trailing silently behind. She guessed they had originally been guard rooms, as they were close to the main gate. A breeze blew in over the broken gate, it felt good after the crowded dining hall. As she stood at the railing of the gallery looking over the vast hall she felt almost as if she was outside, she put her foot up on the archer's step and settled in to wait. Idly she took her hair out of its braid and loosened the laces on her tunic. She was still standing there almost an hour later when she heard a step and turned to see Thorin approaching along the gallery.

Thorin felt his heart skip a beat as he laid eyes on her. This was the first time he had seen her with her hair down, and with the laces of her tunic open she was a vision indeed. As he came closer he walked up on the archer's step so his head was above hers.

Kaylea bowed low as he drew near. "Good evening, your majesty," she said. "I hope you have not left your celebration on my account. I felt the need for some fresh air and quiet. Will not your companions miss you?"

Thorin smiled. "My lady, they will be at it until tomorrow morning, or longer." He looked over the hall and then back at her. "They will never notice I have gone. Indeed, it was to look for you that I left the banquet. We have unfinished business, you and I."

Kaylea looked questioningly at him. For answer Thorin brought out the flask she had given him so long ago when they had last parted.

Kaylea smiled when she saw it. "So, you still have it," she said. "I was wondering if you had lost it on your many adventures."

He unscrewed the cap and separated the two cups. "I was careful to keep it safe, my lady," he said as he poured the liquor. "I have been looking forward to finishing it with you, as you promised." They clicked the cups together and drank. When Kaylea set hers down Thorin poured the remaining liquor out between the two of them and they drank again.

As Thorin put his cup down he found his eyes travelling to the open neck of Kaylea's tunic. He looked up and reached to brush a lock of hair away from her face. "This is the first time I have seen you with your hair down, my lady," he smiled. "It suits you." Kaylea smiled softly back at him, moving closer. Thorin started to speak again but Kaylea put a finger to his lips, shaking her head. He pulled her close and kissed her then, his dark hair mingling with her gold in the night air. It was as if no time had passed since their last kiss, they could have still been standing in that grassy meadow. Thorin's arms held her close against him, his lips moving down her neck.

"Are you sure you want to do this in full view of your night watch?" Thorin met her eyes, then looked across the vast hall at the guards moving along the top of the gate. "My rooms are close by," Kaylea said softly, putting her hands on his. Thorin kissed her again, then let her lead him the short distance to her quarters. He wanted her more than he had ever wanted anything in his life, the need like a physical pain in his body. Thorin followed her inside and locked the door behind him.

Hours later Thorin lay curled against Kaylea's back, exhausted and feeling vibrantly alive in a way he had not in years. He had always felt that he was rather skillful in the arts of pleasure, and could give a good accounting of himself. Kaylea however was on a whole different level, she could make his body respond in ways he hadn't thought possible. He brushed her hair aside so he could kiss her neck, as he had imagined doing so many times. His fingers ran over the beads he had given her on the way to Rivendell, what seemed like a lifetime ago.

"I must find you more of these tomorrow," he said, fingering a strand of her hair. Kaylea turned her head.

"Tomorrow?" She asked.

"I am going to show you my kingdom, my lady," Thorin replied. "I would wager I have a few beads in my storerooms." He smiled at the image. "That is, if I have any energy tomorrow," he chuckled, giving her a squeeze. "What were you doing to me?" Kaylea rolled to face him.

"You are also full of surprises," she said with a smile. She ran her fingers down one of his braids, rolling one of the beads at the end between her fingers. She had not anticipated how arousing it was to feel those braids tickling her skin. On Dorsai long hair on men was practically unknown, and none wore beards.

Thorin took her chin and tilted her head up to look into her eyes. "I love you," he said, impulsively. He had not meant to speak the words out loud, but now that he had he pressed on. "Stay here and marry me."

Kaylea smiled and shook her head. "No."

"No?" Thorin repeated, a bit taken aback. He had not really expected her to say yes, but he had not expected to be flatly denied without hesitation either. He wondered if he had somehow misread her.

"Kings do not marry for love," Kaylea replied, with a wry smile. "They marry to forge alliances, to ensure the continuation of their line. These are not things I can do for you. Thorin Oakenshield may have been able to marry a warrior woman from a distant land, Thorin the King of Erebor cannot."

Thorin scowled at her. "The king can do whatever he wants."

"You have just reclaimed your kingdom through great effort and loss of life, now you must be certain that it endures," Kaylea's tone was deadly serious. "I cannot be your queen, I cannot bear your children." She smiled at him, interlacing her fingers with his. "In my country, kings often have mistresses."

"It is not a common thing among Dwarves," he said quietly. He pulled her hand to him and kissed her palm. "I want you at my side, not in the shadows. I can find another way to forge alliances."

"In Dorsai I am a commander of legions," Kaylea said softly, but Thorin could hear the steel in her voice. "I have many responsibilities and people who depend on me, they wait now for my return. I cannot stay here, even if I wished to." She shook her head. "My lord would not allow it in any case."

"Are you already married?" Thorin had to ask, although he feared to hear the answer.

"No," was her reply. Thorin felt his heart jump at this. He could still try to convince her to marry him, if she did not stay in Erebor now perhaps she would in the future.

"I travel to Middle Earth when I can," Kaylea was saying. "I may be back in six years, or it may be ten. I cannot say for certain." She looked at Thorin gravely. "Find a pretty Dwarf princess and marry her. Let me come back and find you happily married with children playing at your feet."

"Even if I do those things my heart will still be yours, my lady."

"As my heart will always belong to you, my king. But none can know what the future will bring," Kaylea said quietly.

Thorin reached around her and pulled her against him. "You are not leaving right away," It was not a question. Kaylea smiled at him as he kissed her neck.

"I will stay for a little while," she wrapped her arms around him.      

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