9. Erebor

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Thorin left her quarters in the early morning to bathe and get a change of clothes. Once she was dressed Kaylea went down to the dining hall to see if she could find breakfast for Hector and herself. As Thorin had predicted there were still a large number of Dwarves sitting around the tables. Some were carrying on conversations, others were sound asleep in their seats. Kaylea moved down the main table, filling one plate with breakfast for herself, another with slabs of meat for Hector. Looking around she saw Elrohir sitting at one of the smaller tables his only companions a few sleeping Dwarves. She moved to join him, putting Hector's plate on the floor next to her chair.

"Is that coffee?" Kaylea asked, nodding toward a large euer at the Elf's elbow. Elrohir nodded.

"It is indeed," he replied. He reached for a mug at the seat next to him and cleaned it off with a napkin, then poured her a cup of the strong brew. Kaylea sipped at it, surveying the room.

"Looks like I missed quite a party," she said, starting on her breakfast.

Elrohir looked up at her through his eyelashes. "I was going to ask where you disappeared to last night, but it is all over you." The Elf chuckled. "I should say the King Under the Mountain is all over you."

Kaylea laughed. "That obvious, is it?"

"Oh, yes. I hope you did not hurt him."

Kaylea shook her head. "No, but I am going to be sore for a few days," she smiled at the Elf's pained expression, leaning forward conspiratorially. "And he has the most amazing..."

Elrohir quickly held up a hand. "I am going to stop you right there. That is already far more than I ever wanted to know about Thorin Oakenshield." He pushed his plate back and poured himself another cup of coffee. "Thank you so much for putting that in my brain. So, what are you up to today?"

"Thorin is going to show me his kingdom," Kaylea replied. "I am quite looking forward to it. The only Dwarf city I have ever been in is Moria and that is a very dismal place now."

Elrohir nodded. "I was here many years ago, when Thror ruled under the mountain." He looked around the room. "In those days this place was a sight to behold." Kaylea held up her cup and he refilled it. The Elf looked thoughtful.

"When you are touring the treasury make sure you admire something," he said.

Kaylea frowned, sipping at her coffee. "Admire something? Like what?"

"Thorin will want to give you something," Elrohir told her. "For saving his life and because he is in love with you. Dwarves love best that which they create with their own hands. Pick something out or you may get a necklace with enough precious stones to choke a warg."

Kaylea shook her head. "I had not thought of that, but I'm sure you are right. There must be some nice swords down there."

Now it was Elrohir's turn to laugh. "That will never do! The king will want to give you something spectacular, it will have to be jewelry."

It was Kaylea's turn to make a pained face, she had no interest in jewelry and never had occasion to wear it. The two of them sat in silence for a time as Kaylea finished her meal. When Kaylea reached down to pick up his plate Hector stood, looking pointedly at her. She nodded to him and got up to follow him out, Elrohir also stood and they walked out into the Hall of Kings together. The big wolf trotted off toward the main gate, scattering the Dwarves who were working on repairs. He had enough of being indoors. As Kaylea and the Elf walked out into the hall they saw Thorin appear on the other side and start towards them. He was accompanied by Balin and Gloin.

"He is taller," Elrohir said softly, looking sideways at Kaylea. She nodded.

"Hypersensitive to boosterspice is my guess, though I have never heard of it making you taller," she said. "Just my luck." Kaylea watched Thorin approach thinking they had not really talked about how they were going to play this. Her natural inclination was to keep their relationship quiet, but this was Thorin's kingdom so she would follow his lead. Thorin smiled broadly as he reached her, he swept her into his arms, lifted her off her feet and kissed her.

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