Before the Ball

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You head back up the spiral staircase and into your room where you enter into the closet. What were you going to wear? Maybe Yellow? No Blue. How about Black?

You examined a section of the dresses. They were all stunning. It ranged from flowing gowns to large gowns. Your hand landed on a black dress. It's end was a ashy white. It was long and flowy it's back revealed itself. It was such a simple, yet elegant dress. You fell in love with it and tried it on. When you walked to the large platform and looked in the mirror you could not believe it. The dress was gorgeous on you. When you turned around to see the dress from behind you almost melted.

It was gorgeous on you

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It was gorgeous on you. You went over to your vanity and sat down. You put your hair up into a bun, leaving some of it down and did a dark smokey eye look on your eyes. You were done with your makeup in about 30 min. You went to pick out a pair of shoes to wear, they ranged from tall sparkly heels to a pair of flats. You put on a pair of black shoes with a single diamond located on the strap of the shoe.

You went back to the mirror and gave yourself a twirl. You looked good, you felt good. You gave yourself a smile. You walked out of the closet and into your room. You walked over to one of the large windows. There was so much commotion going on. You could see smoke coming from buildings, cars speeding their way to loved ones, and the strange creatures flying all over the place in the dark sky. The place was so populated with monsters now. Must be Bill's friends for the ball.

You set a hand on the glass.

This better be all for the good of everyone.

You let out a sigh and lean your forehead on the glass.

You heard two simply knocks on the door, you turned around and saw Bill leaning on the door frame, "Well don't you look beautiful. I can see you picked a lovely dress." You smile at him and check him out. He looked good, he wore a white undershirt, a black striped vest fitted with golden buttons, a black suit jacket with a golden colored collar, a black bow tie, white gloves, black dress pants, and black shoes. You could not lie, he looked sharp as ever. When you met his eyes he was giving you a smirk, "Like what you see?" he ask you. You blush and cover a cheek with a hand and avoid his gaze, "Just a little bit" You say shyly.

Bill walks to you and grabs your hand kissing it. "Just came to tell you the ball will be starting momentary, people are starting to show up. I'll teach you how to teleport your friends here if you would like. I bet that would scare them a bit." You laugh and cover your mouth politely. "Sure" Bill smiles at you, "Well I have servants throughout the place, you will be assigned a personal one later, if you need one just ring the bell." He point over by the door where a golden bell sat. "They will get you when you are announced to come out." You nod at him, "I guess my friends will show up a bit late then" You frown. "Would you like them to see your entrance?" He raises an eyebrow to you. "Is that silly?" He lets out a content sigh, "Not at all. I'll come teach you how to bring them here about thirty minutes before you are announced" You smile and embrace him in a hug, "Thank you Bill, for everything. I think you changed my life for the better" Bill grabs your shoulders and moves you away from the hug, he looks down at you, "Of course My Queen. I would do anything for you" He leans forward and gives you a long meaningful kiss, when he pulls back he gives a quick kiss to the tattoo on your wrist. "I'll leave you be now" With that he turns around and heads for the door. Just before he was about to walk out you stop him, "Bill wait" he stops and turns around giving you a puzzled look, "Yes?" You sigh and give him a small smile, "I love you" He relaxes and turns around to the door again, he looks back to you, "I love you too"

When he left the room you almost collapsed. He is so hot. You were burning up and you were 100% sure your face was as red as a tomato. "Wow" you muttered to yourself.

To get your mind off of him for a moment you decided it would be best to practice your new magic. You snapped your fingers and the blue flames appeared in your hand, dancing just as beautiful as always. You snapped your fingers again and it disappeared. You wanted to spawn something, but what? You snapped your fingers and a kitten appeared in the room. It ran around you and tripped on its feet a couple of times. You pet it gently as it purred and rubbed itself in your hand. "You wanna see something cool?" You asked it, knowing that you would not be getting an answer. You sent a large flame towards the window were it blew up, causing no damage to anything. "Pretty cool right?" You ask the kitten as you went to look down back at it, you didn't see it, until you noticed it cowering behind you. "Awe don't be scared." You pat its head and picked it up and walked it to your bed where you set it down.

Your bedroom door opened and in walked a tiny pink person, their hair was a pastel green along with its eyes. They even wore a cute little maid dress. "Hello miss. My name is Serviteur Personnel" The small lady bows to you, "But you can call me Serv for short. I was given the task of being your personal servant!" She exclaims ecstatically. "Oh. Pleasure to meet you" You give her a slight bow. You didn't like all the formalities but in a way, it made you feel important and you loved it. "Is there anything you would like me to do?" She asks looking at you with bright shining eyes. She was like an innocent child. "No, not now at least. Thank you!" You smile to her. She smiles and bows to you and leaves without saying another word.

You then see Bill enter, "You ready to bring your friends here?" Bill shoves his hands into his pockets as he said this. "Of course" You say, "So teach me oh great Cipher" You give him a goofy smile. "Well, all you have to do is imagine them here and snap your fingers really. I'm sure at the height that you've achieved with these powers it should be a piece of cake" Bill says as he snaps his fingers, a slice of cake appearing in his hand. He takes a bite of the cake, "Just makes sure all of them arrives. Sometimes you could miss a leg or something so, just make sure you imagine them in their entirety" Bills states calmly, like that wouldn't freak you out.

You take a deep breath and gather yourself. You imagine your friends, Hana, Cat, Kay, and Chris. You snapped your fingers. You held your eyes shut. You heard Bill clapping his hands causing you to open and look over to him, "Bravo! You did it" You look ahead and there were your friends, staring at you, shocked. They didn't know how to respond or what to do. "Welcome to our Pyramid. An honest pleasure to meet you guys." Bills says grabbing all their hands and shaking them aesthetically. "Your guys lives will soon be a living hell. Not like it may be like that already." You walk forward to them, "You guys help yourself to what is in my closet" You say motioning to the closet, "You will be attending the ball"

All there jaws were open. Hana speaks up, "(Y/N)! What the hell? Why are you doing this?" You gave her a bored look, "All will be explained" Wonder where you heard something like that before. Of course though you were not going to explain a thing to them. "Get dressed, the ball will start soon" With that you pushed them all towards the closet.  

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