Major Rumors

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Your eyes fluttered open, you thought you were awakening from a dream but you noticed harsh winds rushing against your skin, your clothes now were soaked, and loud rumbles echoed through the sky. You were in the field. The one you longed to see again, of course, what other field would there be?

The sky was dark, in fact you could not see a thing. The wind was pushing you slightly, your hair hitting your face. The rain, soaking your clothes, you were now cold. The muddy, dead, grass under your feet was mushy. Your feet were now mud covered. You had a different outfit on, it was not the one you fell asleep in. It was what looked like to be white, except, it was covered in mud and was dirty. It must be gorgeous clean.

You could not see a thing in the field. It was nothing but blackness. Then suddenly there was a bright, blinding, blue light shining. It covered your vision and the next thing you knew you were no longer in the field.

You fluttered your eyes open groggily, you forgot about the field. You were tired and you did not want to move a muscle from the warm, soft bed you found yourself in. You suddenly snapped your eyes open.

Social Media

You turned yourself to your phone and sat up in your bed. You looked at your lock screen, it was filled with notifications. A ton of them. Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, text-messages, calls, news reports, you name it.

The news notifications were great, there were all sorts of assumptions about your activity on social media. Titles like, Taking Over the World, and now Social Media?, She back with a possible attack, A Cyber Attack?, and your personal favorite, What version of (Y/N) are you?

"Classic Buzzfeed" You say aloud and give a laugh. You take the test and laugh at the questions presented to you, How are you towards your friends? Which one of these are you in class? What do you enjoy doing the most? The choices for these questions were just as ridiculous. In the end you ended up being, "You are nothing like (Y/N)!" You did not even bother reading the description to the answer, at least now you know that the Buzzfeed quizzes should not be followed.

You moved to Twitter, your comment had millions of replies. You did a quick pass over them, questions like,

Is this really her?, I thought they had caught her? How does she have a phone?, and Oh my god, she is on Twitter!

You decided not to respond to any of those, but instead, you liked the comments. I'm sure those kids will freak out about that.

On Instagram you simply took a video of yourself spinning around your room, and with no caption, you posted it onto your story.

Once on Snapchat, you took a simple picture of yourself and sent it to your long-lost streaks.

You ignored all the text messages and calls as they were from your family. You got up and out of your bed, your feet hitting the cold floor. You walked over to your large window looking out into the world. The sky was dark and signs of a storm was coming, since it was spring that would be common around this time. You turned away from the window and walked out into the hallway and down the spiral steps. You were looking for Bill, you really wanted to have a successful Ball without it being invaded. As you were about to turn the corner you heard some whispering. Probably from the servants. You could only point out Serv's voice.

You could hear the sweet voice speak, "So wait. Bill is using her?" You heard another whisper, it sounded, sad. "Unfortunately, I overheard him speak of his plan. He was using her to heighten his chances at the take over. Apparently she was weak or something." You heard Serv sign saddlery, "Poor (Y/N), she doesn't know what she got herself into. But why her though? All humans are weak in a way." You could not believe it. Bill is using you. This can not be true, he couldn't be. "Well yeah, but she had some sort of passion in her that made Bill more attracted to her. He knew that having her on his side would bring his chances up 85%. He actually said that she may be even stronger than he is."

You had enough of this conversation and you stormed of to find Bill,

It's just rumors.

You told yourself over and over again. You did not want to believe that. Bill wouldn't. He loved you. You suddenly missed him dearly. You went back the way you came. But instead of going to your room you went to Bill's office. Where you actually found him, he was sitting on his chair doing some work, whatever that may be. "Oh? Hey (Y/N)" You heard Bill say as he looked up at you. You felt saddened looking at him, you turned your head away from him, "Bill? You love me right?"

There was silence on his end. You heard him getting up from his seat and walking towards you. He grabbed your hands. This caused you to look over at him, both of your eyes made contact with each other, "What is making you question me? Is everything alright" He seemed deeply worried about you. You knew that what the servants were saying had to be rumors. You smiled at him, "I just miss seeing you." He gives a gentle smile, his eyes glance to your lips and back to your eyes. He moves in a gives you a gentle kiss. "Of course I love you." His eyes meet yours and you could tell he cared.

How could I have been foolish as to think he was using me. I knew it was just rumors. 

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