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Things were rough at Zeroa these days. It was to be expected from a newly inhabited planet. It was totally dumb luck that a planet almost as big as Pluto could be hidden away in one of the eight dimensional space pockets near the asteroid belt.

It was in fact humans who had discovered this world of steel. Literally. On entering the space pocket, one would first spot a tiny ball of metal. On nearing, Zeroa revealed to have mines and mines of all kinds of minerals and jewels and not a drop of water in sight. But since the advancement of technology and the invention of artificial H2O, this would be just a minor hindrance. It was with great gusto that humans decided to expand their colonies. However, tragedy struck. Zeroa wasn't meant to ensconce the human race. All was well and happy for a few days. When the first astronauts' health's starting residing, things were looked into.

Zeroa's mines produced toxic soil and air which upon getting in contact with anything unfamiliar would react so badly that its life expectancy was shortened by a drastic figure. The first survivors didn't last a week. And so, humans decided to take things to the next level.

They studied the air and soil in closed tents for months with filtered oxygen. They recorded the climate and everyday changes carefully. The discoveries were improbable. They realised the Sun never did rise or set on this queer planet. Rather, it had its own unique celestial object. The Tritian. The blue star would, like the moon, keep revolving around its host. Some astounding revelations were also made when the moon showed up once Tritian had sunk back. But in Zeroa's case, the moon wouldn't bring darkness in its wake. It brought light. And heat. Things were rather strange. Although the calculated time each day would last was rounded off to 24 hours, it was clear that Zeroa had its own set of celestial bodies marking day and night. Hence, the moon indicated day time and Tritian indicated night time.

The only problem keeping the scientists from perfecting this planet were its human resources. Scientists travelled from Earth in newly built suits to survive the unfavourable conditions of Zeroa. The first incubators were designed. The scientists wanted reproduction of living beings to occur without a host body. And they succeeded. Zeroa welcomed its first ever creature. Although they succeeded in forming artificial life, it wasn't what they expected. The baby showed signs of a girl with long eyelashes and brown hair. But her eyes. They were entrancing. Rich, pure gold blocks of circles peered back at the faces of shocked scientists. It was never recorded anywhere that a human was spotted who had gold eyes. And that's when they realised. They hadn't created a human at all. Not even close. It didn't need oxygen for surviving. In fact, it didn't need anything for surviving. It just....existed. And so they tested on the creature which was later named Zeroa. They found yet another set of unbelievable revelations. Zeroa's hair grew at least 6 inches each day. A baby of 3 days had so much hair it had to seem impossible. However, she did need to excrete wastes from her body and a daily intake of nutrition. Her eyes though. They never changed colour. The gold remained gold. And so they were examined. It was revealed that her eyes held some unexplained power. In other words. Magic. Yes. Real magic. Not card tricks. Her eyes could form any image she wished to see in front of her. It was a giant breakthrough. The human society would totally change. And so the planet was named after Zeroa, its first inmate. As she grew, the scientists' healths finally gave in. Though they regretted nothing they did. Zeroa became the only inhabitant of her planet. She became lonely. She had learned a lot about Earth via the scientists and so wished for company. Well. Her eyes were her personal genie. They obliged. Soon, an entire colony of creatures similar in race to Zeroa had appeared. This planet had rewritten all laws of physics. And now, about 40 years later, these creatures now referred to as Zeroans are the most dominated species alive. But things are just beginning to start. And Zeroa might just witness the emergence of two beings who may outshine the universe itself.

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