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Year: 2342

Month: September

Date: 17

Destination: Somewhere in the Asteroid Belt

Sameer had excused himself and had retreated to the pressure room of this craft. It was like God had finally granted him his wish. Three and a half days with the entire mechanics of this beautiful craft. He couldn't ask for anything else.

He was just in the middle of opening the motherboard of the propeller to check it out when he heard a rustling.

The pressure room was one large circular room with a huge circular metal in the middle. If he had to guess, it was the hydraulics chamber. Sameer rounded the chamber and found the new girl. Vani.

She had a blanket slung around her shoulders and was inflating a sleeping bag. Here. In the middle of probably the most dangerous place on this craft.

"What are you doing?" Sameer didn't bother to hide his surprise.

The girl's eyes snapped up to his and she let out a groan.

"Oh my god. Not you too. Why can't humans just die already." she muttered.

Sameer was still staring at her.

She sighed. "I'm here to sleep. It was a long long day and I just wanna sleep till we reach. I swear I don't snore. Just don't mind me and keep doing what you were." With that, she dismissed him and started fluffing the mattress.

"Um, what happened to your room?" he blurted out.

She looked up again. This time with annoyance.

"You're gonna force me to talk aren't you."

Sameer nodded.

She huffed, dropped to the ground and patted the space next to her. Sameer joined her.

"Ok then. Introductions first. My name is-"

"Vani. I know your name. We introduced each other literally 12 hours ago."

She tilted her head and watched him. "Hmm...That may be the case. But sorry buddy, I don't remember you name." She announced.

He burst out laughing. "I'm Sameer."

She smiled. "Well Sameer, it is a pleasure. Anyway. Since I'm a girl and Naina is a girl, who by the way is a wonderful person, we had to share. Unfortunately, she and her boyfriend, the tall guy? I think. Yeah, they had some issues. And so I got kicked out. Then I thought, why not irritate Clive and Phoenix. But that backfired since Phoenix was brooding about something and so was in a prissy mood and Clive was watching something with horrible horrible quality and there was no way I could sleep there. And then I thought if I was desperate enough to go and sleep on the bunk above Maverick's. But the thing is, he kind of hates me right now. So I had nowhere else to go and I wanted to sleep. So here I am. But you're here too. And at this point I'm at the verge of just exploding." She took a deep breath after this.

Wow. "Um....breath mint?", I offered.

Vani huffed a laugh. "Sure. Thanks. And I'm sorry about that. I normally don't burst a dam in front of strangers."

He nodded. "No worries. And yes. You can sleep here. I'll be going now."

"You are a beautiful beautiful soul."

He laughed and stood up.

He was out the door when he realised he'd forgotten his water bottle inside.

Sameer was about to turn the knob to enter when he heard Vani.

"Yes. I'm here. Give me two minutes and it'll be set up."

There was a pause and she replied again.

"No. No one's here. Well, there was one kid but I said some shit and he's gone now. And no he didn't suspect anything. No one suspects anything."

Sameer very quietly backed off from the door and headed to his room.

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