10 14 0

Year: 2342

Month: September

Date: 23

Destination: 20 miles from the Central Powers HQ

Ankit and Sameer had headed outside to meet the Resistance while Isha and Ayaan had headed up to set up the barricade.

Once they reached, they greeted all their friends. It was good to be back.

"So you two troublemakers made it." It was Gen.

Ankit grinned. "Of course we did. We couldn't leave. Who else would make your life miserable?"

Gen suddenly became serious. "Thank you for saving her."

"She's our friend. You should know, she's furious with you for not letting her fight."

"Oh trust me. I know. But consider this her getting grounded for pulling of a stunt like this."

Ankit laughed. "Is everything set here?"

He nodded. "Head up back there. The jets are all assembled. I've set No234 and No235 for you and Sameer. You both have pilots assigned. Your job is to receive the signal and drop the bomb. Clear?"


He heard a crackle in his ear. The earpiece. Everyone had one.

"Ayaan and I are in position." Isha's voice flew through.

"Good luck." Came back the voices of his friends and him.

When he headed back his eyes widened. Gen had picked a good place. The abandoned ground went on as far as the eye could see.

Jets everywhere. Lined in orderly fashion. The pilots milled around outside. Talking, laughing, and eating. They were all here because of his friends and his plan. If this wasn't successful, it was on him.

Just then, the ground shook. Ayaan and Isha had done their job. They had thought of the barricade.

"We're done. Neha's on her way to pick Isha up. I'm headed up to Ankit and Sameer."

"We're waiting." Sameer said.

So step one had worked.

"Step one is complete," Clive said in the earpiece. "Now for step two."

Step two was Maverick, Vani and Naina heading up to the barricade. Maverick and Vani would situate themselves near the entrance so as to warn Naina and the others while Naina would head inside the barricade. Right in the middle of it.

They had decided that she only needed to be barefoot for about 30 seconds. Since her force of gravity was weaker in Zeroa and had gotten the job done in a mere ten seconds.

"Ok. Me, Maverick and Naina have left the house. We'll be there in five minutes." Came Vani's voice.

Ankit heard commotion outside and left.

Ayaan, Neha and Isha had returned. Their faces were drawn and pale. Eyes bloodshot.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"That was the most we have used our Crysaltics ever. It was a big barricade. But it's fool proof. It's going to help slow down the earthquake."

"I just need to sit for a minute." And with that the twins slumped to the ground.

Ankit looked at Neha. "Are they going to be ok?"

"I think so. Anyways, their jobs are done. So they can relax."

Isha shook her head and stood up. "I need to set up surveillance. Since the whole system's down, I need to set up one. To see everyone. I have to be their eyes."

"And I have to help the jets." Ayaan said.

Neha sighed. "Fine."

"Ok, the rest of us are in position too." Came Roshan's voice.

"Naina, take of your shoes." Came Clive's voice.


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