16 14 0

Year: 2342

Month: September

Date: 16

Destination: Somewhere near the moon

If someone asked Phoenix, the moon was overrated. Sure it was what caused tides back on earth. Big deal. And sure conquering it back in the Metal Age had been huge. Now with Zeroa in the picture, it was more like a circus. Not to mention the girl Naina....

The second his eyes landed on her he knew. And it was still hard to comprehend it. Phoenix was surprised none of here friends were able to figure it out. It took him all of 3 seconds. He wanted to meet her. Heck she was probably the most important human on earth right now. Nope. Not human.

He heard a knock on his door and startled. Clive looked at him with raised eyebrows. His expression said, guest of yours?

Phoenix shook his head.

Clive got up and swung his door open. Phoenix smiled with excitement. It was her. He should have expected it.

The girl had a grim expression as she took in their room. There wasn't much to it. The room was small enough to spread ones arms wide enough to reach the two walls with one bunk bed pushed into the corner. Only solace, one of the windows showed a sulky looking moon.

She gestured to Clive with her chin. "Leave."

Clive's mouth hung open. Phoenix burst out laughing.

"Excuse me?"

"I said leave."

Clive was so dumbstruck he just turned once to look at Phoenix and then walked out.

"I was wondering when you'd show up.", Phoenix said, barely containing his anticipation.

"How'd you figure it out." The girl said without preamble.

He gulped. It occurred to him that he was in a closed room with an alien. Wow.

He pointed his chin towards her boots. "The seal on the buckle. It's a Gedian hallmark. I've read about them in a book."

The girl's eyes widened. "You read a book. About Gedian hallmarks. A book. Here. On earth."

He nodded.

She sighed and sat on his bunk. "Of course you did."

Phoenix finally decided to give up his pretence of nonchalance and inched closer.

"Can I see your hands? Please?"

Her eyes shined with amusement. She pulled off her gloves and held her hands out to him.

Phoenix gasped. They were beautiful. The book hadn't done them justice.

He reverently took one in his hand and bought it near the lamp. It glistened.

"Exquisite.", he breathed.

They were cornflower blue with a shine that rivalled diamonds.

"I could do so many tests on your skin. You're a magnificent thing you know that?"

Wrong thing to say. She flinched visibly and withdrew her hand. All traces of happiness gone.

"I am not a thing. And you don't have the right to do any tests on me. Is that clear? I came here to tell you one thing. You keep your mouth shut. One word about this to anyone and I swear I'll remove my boots and give you the kick of your life. Is that clear?"

She stood up and walked to the door. "And for your information, this thing has a name. You better goddamn use it."

She turned to open the door and gasped.

On the other side of it stood a very pale, a very wide eyed Roshan Panda.


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