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Covey had watched with horror as Vani had plummeted to her death with Maverick yelling. He had gone outside with the second wave of troops and they'd all dislocated after the two huge waves which had already taken countless lives.

The first set of soldiers had been caught by the bombs the Resistance had dropped. The second had been wiped clean with the earthquakes.

Now that the Resistance had lost its edge of surprise, it was down to the cavalry. It was during this time he had decided he needed to split with the Powers. He needed to see Isha. She was here. Probably only a few miles away from him. He needed to see her before this chaos turned more brutal.

His thoughts wandered to Vani. That's when he remembered Maverick. He was still kneeling near the gaping hole that had taken Vani. He was sitting on his butt, his knees drawn close to his chest. He was muttering something.

Covey made his way over to him.

"Maverick." He said quietly.

He turned to look up. His expression. It was devastated.

"I know." He said quietly. "I saw. I know."

Maverick's eyes filled with tears. As much as he knew it was inappropriate he said, "You need to take me to Isha."

Maverick didn't question him as to why. He just nodded and stood up.

"This way." He said.

The two of them started making their way away from the barricade he knew Isha had set up. His heart was hammering inside his chest. He was going to see her. He was going to see Isha. His Isha.

The ground was still shaking a little from the aftershocks. And while the bombing had stopped, the ground battle had started. The Powers were finally coming to terms with the surprise attack. They were retaliating now. He heard gunshots everywhere. He too had a rifle. He turned to look at Maverick. He was unarmed.

"Where's your gun?" he asked.

Maverick looked down at the holster. "Oh. I lost it during the run towards her," He sounded distracted.

The two made their way through the uneven land masses, the night sky filled with the sound of bullets and men and women yelling. The stench of blood was about to become apparent very soon.

"There it is." Maverick said.

He was pointed to a crooked old building. His heart was definitely trying to make its way out of his chest. This is it. She's here.

They soon saw a clearing and made their way towards the building. He saw someone standing on the gate.

It was a girl. His eyes widened. She had golden eyes. They really were golden. They were the prettiest eyes he'd ever seen. Her hair was tied back in a tight braid. She had a small screen in her hand and was saying something in her earpiece.

She was beautiful. He finally saw her.

"Isha!" Maverick yelled.

Isha's head snapped up at the voice. She spotted Maverick and grinned. Then she turned her attention towards the boy standing next to Maverick. Him.

She was seeing him. He saw the moment she realised who she was seeing. Her mouth formed a perfect O. She started making her way towards him.

He smiled and took a step towards her. That was when he suddenly lurched and tripped. He heard a shot.

He looked down. There it was. In the centre of his chest. His tunic was getting stained with something almost black. He put his hand there. It came away red.

He stumbled. He looked up to see Isha running towards him, eyes wide with horror. She was yelling something he couldn't understand. His ears were ringing. One second he was standing, the next, he was on the ground. He still couldn't hear anything. Maverick had his arm around him and was shouting something. He felt something pinch at his chest.

And then suddenly, Isha was there. Tripping on the ground and dragging herself towards him. All sound returned. He heard gunshots. He heard Maverick running inside to get a medic.

But he turned towards Isha.

"No! NO NO NO! COVEY!" she was finally there.

She frantically took his face in her hands, searching to see him still breathing.

Her hands felt so good. He smiled. "I – I" He coughed out. Blood was coming out of his mouth now. His chest was starting to throb uncontrollably.

"Stop talking. It's ok. Maverick's getting someone. It's fine." She kept saying the same thing.

What was she talking about? Of course everything was fine. She was finally here.

"You're eyes," He dragged out. "They really are gold."

"Well of course they're gold. What did you think they were? Pink?" She whispered.

He laughed. He felt so good. So light.

"Covey. Covey. Stay with me Covey. You have to convince me to love you remember? Stay here." She was crying and speaking. Hands pushing on his chest. That was hurting him more but he didn't say anything.

He smiled and brought his hand to her cheek. "I will make you love me. Scouts honour."

His hand went limp and fell to the ground.

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