13 15 2

Year: 2342

Month: September

Date: 16

Destination: Somewhere near the moon

Roshan stared at Naina with wide eyes.

Naina took a timid step towards him. He took one back.

"Roshan. I can explain. Please." She stammered out.

Roshan's ears were ringing. He felt dizzy.

"Dammit Roshan you have got to stop eavesdropping on me." She snapped.

His stared at here with his mouth open. "Are you seriously trying to blame me in this situation?" His voice was raspy. He needed water.

She took a sigh, "You're right. I'm sorry. Please. Just. Listen to me ok. Come inside." She gestured toward the room she was in before.

Inside he saw the curly haired guy, Phoenix. His face was pale as well.

Without another word, he went inside the room and Naina followed him.

She stood between Phoenix and him, cheeks flushed.

"You're not human." Roshan blurted out.

She flinched. He felt like a monster.

She wordlessly took off her gloves. Roshan stumbled into the door.

Naina had tears in her eyes. "I'm so sorry." She whispered.

He started laughing manically. "So that's why you've been such a bitch to us huh?"

Naina started shaking her head. "Please. You have to understand. I'm from a different planet. I couldn't just reveal that."

"You didn't have to hide is from us!" He shouted.

"I didn't have a choice!" She shouted back at him.

Roshan took two long strides and stood just inches away from her. Both of them were breathing hard.

"You always, always have a choice. Don't for one second think that you were innocent. This is all on you." He said fiercely.

Tears were flowing down her cheeks now. She tried to take his hand but he jerked back.

"I'm done. You hear me? DONE. We tried everything to help you. And you don't deserve it one bit. You wanted me to back off? Well congratulations Naina. Wish granted."


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