13 13 0

Year: 2342

Month: September

Date: 19

Destination: Beta Boundary of Zeroa

Someone was banging on his and Ankit's room. He groaned. He hadn't realised he had slept.

"Who is it?" He croaked.

"Sameer! Ankit! Get your butts out here! Now!" Naina yelled.

Ankit was on the top bunk and he too groaned. "In a minute! Jesus."

Another loud bang. "Now!"

"Okay okay!"

The two boys freshened up and opened the door.

Naina was nowhere to be found. Wow.

They walked back to the room they now referred to as the living room. It was far from it. But that's where everyone met. Hence the name.

They were not the last ones to come. But they spotted Roshan sitting on the floor eating an energy bar and went to join him.

"What's up with her?" Sameer asked.

He shrugged. "Beats me."

"Where's everyone else?" Ankit asked.

Roshan nodded towards the exit. "Naina sent Clive and Maverick to go wake Vani up. She's um she's not happy about it. So it's taking some time."

As if on cue, Clive and Phoenix entered. The scene was priceless. Phoenix carried her arms and Clive carried her legs.

Vani was shrieking. "I do not appreciate being kidnapped! Put me down! I'm up! I'm up!"

They entered and unceremoniously dumped her on the ground. "I hate you both." She muttered.

Clive ignored her and stuffed another energy bar into her mouth.

Finally, Naina entered.

She took a deep breath. "I have to tell you all something."

She looked at Roshan. His eyes were wide with panic.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

Naina nodded.

Her face. She looked like she was going to die.

"Naina. Spill it." Sameer said.

Naina sat down in front of all of them and slowly, very slowly started removing her gloves. Her gloves.

Sameer had never seen Naina without her gloves.

His eyes widened. Oh. My. God.

They were blue. They were blue? They were blue! Why were they blue?!

She had tears in her eyes.

"What are you?", Sameer whispered. He was shivering. He realised, it was fear.

Roshan stiffened. He went and stood next to Naina. Took her hand and looked straight at Sameer.

"She is our friend. Sameer. Our friend. No matter what." Sameer had never heard him speak like that.

He saw Naina's blue hand squeeze his.

With the other, she wiped her tears and looked at the others.

Everyone except Sameer, Ankit and Neha looked absolutely calm.

What the hell?

"What. Are. You.", he asked again, enunciating each word.

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