20 15 0

Year: 2342

Month: September

Date: 25

Destination: Northern part of Eastern Earth - Earth

The memorial took place. They had set up a platform where they'd laid Roshan's body. Someone had placed a bunch of sticks on top of his body, covering up all the burns.

Rohit was asked to come forward and light it up. He turned toward Ankit and Sameer, "He'd like you both to be there as well."

The three of them had lit it and stepped back. They watched the ashes and smoke rise. It was like they could all hear his stupid laugh everywhere.

They'd then brought a casket, Zeroan designed from Simon, and proceeded to place Isha in it. Ayaan had stepped forward and placed a photograph inside, alongside her. He'd then knelt further to whisper something in her ear. He was smiling a little when he got up and stepped back to join the others.

She was then buried.

They couldn't have cremated nor buried Vani since there was no body. This was the cruel part. His friend wasn't even getting a proper farewell.

Maverick had told him and Clive everything that had happened.

They had set up a memorial site for her. A picture of her was set up and around it were candles. The seven of them had gone ahead and put letters and mementos in honour of her. This was the only thing they could have done.

Clive had broken forty pencils and had brought all of them to put in front of her picture.

Phoenix had learned that Covey too had lost his life last night. He'd snuck into his apartment and had found two boxes full of books labelled 'Vani's friend'.

Phoenix had brought along one of the books and set it next to her frame.

Finally, with all the services done, and everybody having given with their condolences, the seven of them stood there, staring at Roshan's burning cremation, Isha's tombstone and Vani's memorial.

"This isn't how we were supposed to win." Naina whispered, eyes full of tears.

"We were all supposed to make it. Ayaan was supposed to give us a dinner party." Sameer said, furiously.

Phoenix looked at each of them. Then said, "What do you suppose they would be doing right now? Up there?"

Maverick looked at Phoenix, then smiled. "I bet Vani's sleeping,"

They all burst out laughing.

"And Roshan must have found some hot angel and would be flirting with her." Ankit grinned and said. Then turned to Naina, "No offense."

She smiled too, tears falling down her cheeks, "None taken. I would be offended if he wasn't flirting with someone."

"And I bet Isha would be hacking into heaven computers and writing heaven journals and pestering every human about earth. Right?" Neha said as she turned to look at Ayaan. She was looking at him with hope and fear and sadness.

He looked at Neha and then looked down. He didn't say anything. Nothing.

Neha looked crushed, her hope dying. She had fresh tears, this time, not for her dead friends, but for the living ones. Ayaan would never live a full life now.

"Well, I bet they're laughing at us from up there and have already made awesome plans." Phoenix announced.

The others settled into silence.

Then Clive announced, "I'm going to get emancipated and move to Zeroa."

Phoenix looked at Clive and smiled, "Ditto."

Maverick, Clive and Phoenix had already decided that they would live there. They had to tell Vani's parents.

"I'm going to go back home." Naina said quietly.

"Define home." Neha's voice quivered.

Naina looked at Neha and took her hand. "I'm sorry. There's just so much reminding me of him. I can't go back there. He's the one who saved my life. Twice. And I couldn't do shit. I'm going back to Tzazgeda."

Neha didn't say anything, just gripped her hand tighter.

Phoenix turned towards Ayaan, "What about you?"

Ayaan shrugged. "Wherever's fine. I don't care. Maybe I'll stay here. But I'm not going back. I'm a wanted fugitive on my planet. And there's Lil." He shook his head.

They lapsed into silence again.

Suddenly, Clive started smiling, "Do you guys remember that song I made you all memorise? From that show I watched?"

"Of course we do. It was stuck on loop back on the jet for the three days we were in it." Phoenix grumbled.

Clive started singing, terribly off key, "So no one told you life was gonna be this way..."

He paused, looking at all of them.

Then Maverick stepped forward, "Your job's a joke, you're broke, your love life's DOA."

Clive grinned at him.

Then Phoenix, Sameer and Ankit joined in, "It's like you're always stuck in second gear..."

Another pause. Then Naina sang quietly, "When it hasn't been your day, your week, your month, or even your year."

"But?" Clive said.

They were all looking at Ayaan. Finally, finally, he smiled and, "I'll be there for you..."

The seven of them all gripped hands with each other and sang, "I'll be there for you."

And they kept singing, till the whole song was done and they were all smiling and crying and holding hands and somehow knowing that the ones they'd lost would always be there with them too."

Because, I'll be there for you.....

***THE END***

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