11 14 0

Year: 2342

Month: September

Date: 23

Destination: Northern part of Eastern Earth - Earth

Isha had done her job flawlessly. Within a few minutes, the entire northern region of Eastern Earth had been shut down. None of the systems were working. For the first time, it was going through a black out.

Roshan was staring out the window, "I don't get why all the civilians are freaking out. This happens back home every day. Literally every day. If it didn't happen, we'd throw a party."

Ankit and Sameer nodded in agreement.

Maverick had sneaked all of them into his apartment. He was still a wanted fugitive for deserting the Central Powers. So was Vani for that matter. But she'd been on the run since a long time.

Thankfully, his apartment hadn't been checked yet. The reach of the Powers was long. They would first go to his other houses. This was their last resort.

Isha had brought down the Cloud, the Net, the transmission signals and the satellite signals. It was like they were in another world.

Neha and Naina had gone to meet with the Resistance at the rendezvous point. Turns out, they weren't as useless as he'd been led believe. Within three days, about six hundred of the Resistance had reached the location and were scattered among the common people.

They had decided that when night fell, Ayaan and Isha would head to the HQ of the Powers and set up the barricade. They were resting for now. They'd need their energy.

As for the others, they were all checking and rechecking the ammo. In case this all went sideways, they would step down and fight. It was the last resort, but they'd be ready.


Soon night fell. Naina and Neha had returned. The nine hundred jets were ready and in position.

The others had also woken up. Everyone was quiet as they watched Isha and Ayaan put on jackets and tie in their shoes and wear ski masks to try to hide their eyes. They would be discovered soon enough. The more they could delay it, the better.

Once they were ready, they turned to face the rest of them.

Isha cleared her throat. "I just want to say, it's been a pleasure knowing you all. And I'm proud of what we're doing here."

She turned to Ayaan with a raised eyebrow.

He looked embarrassed. "Um, if we all make it out alive, dinner on us?"

Everyone laughed and scattered into groups. Saying their final goodbyes.

He watched in the corner that Neha had separated Ayaan from the others. They were speaking too softly for him to make out anything, but he saw Ayaan press something into Neha's hand. She looked down at it and smiled. Then pulled him in for a hug.

In the other corner he saw Isha and Naina whispering, quietly laughing about something.

And as usual, he saw Phoenix, Clive and Vani grinning like madmen on the couches.

He made his way to them.

"What are you clowns laughing about?" He asked them.

"We just agreed on a bet." Vani said.

"Oh yeah? What is that?" He asked.

"Well, I bet that Clive will break 40 pencils after this fiasco. And Phoenix bet that he'd break at least a hundred. So let's see who wins."

"Of course this was the bet." Maverick shook his head.

He was about to say something else when he saw Roshan, Ankit and Sameer make their way toward them.

"Hey guys." Roshan said.

"What's up?" Maverick asked.

"We haven't decided our positions yet."

"Right. Ok. Do you have something in mind?"

"Well, since you and Vani know this place, I suggest you stand towards the interior. In case we face resistance, you can warn us. Phoenix, Clive and I can stand uphill. We can shoot down strays. And Ankit and Sameer will head up with Ayaan to help the jets. Gen hasn't allowed Neha to fight in this. And I agree. She's reckless. Naina will be busy. So Neha can take Isha with her once she's done to the Resistance rendezvous point. From there, Isha can guide us along. Is that ok?"

Maverick nodded. "Good plan."

Roshan stood, clapping Maverick on the back and walked away.

"Ok, we're ready." Ayaan said.

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