Shattered Memories and First Encounters

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Notes - Longer Chapter. Don't forget to vote and comment I'm really interested in what you think about the new character and what your guesses are about what Lilith and the others are. Enjoy and remember to votes and comment, oh and listen to the song in the video!

Lilith's POV

-Shattered Memories and First Encounters-

I tried to comprehend the overwhelming feeling of dread that washed through me at the thought of the dark stains that adorned my delicate dirty dress. But the more intently I fought to understand; to remember - the hazier my vision became.

The thick fibres of the red carpet disappeared from my vision and instead were replaced by misty fog; there was something behind the blanket of vapour but the more I squinted trying to see through it - the thicker and darker the fog became.

Soon my eyes could see nothing but cloudy darkness and the sense of dread was replaced with dizzying blindness; I was spinning in the darkness. The empty blackness swallowed me whole taking away my eye sight completely yet my other senses remained.

I could still feel; feel the icy air dance around me as if it was radiating from my cold skin, from my swallow breathing. I could still hear too; hear painful cries in the distance muffled by the repetitive sound of dripping liquid - the sound was mesmerising yet oddly sickening.

Drip. Drip. Drip.

The blindness was gradually subsiding; the mist was travelling around me leaving gaps of cloudy vision; but I was too frightened by the sounds that I no longer wanted to see. Clasping my eyelashes against my cheeks, I welcomed the blackness that once again swallowed me; only this time taking with it my other senses, silencing the eerie nauseating sounds and feeling of coldness.

Soon my senses returned and I became aware of comfort beneath me, along with a feeling of safety and calm as a lullaby weaved softly through my mind. I realised I was back in the hotel room that I had woken in earlier; knowing that I never truly left the room - the lyrics of the lullaby told me so.

I whispered the lyrics softly "Everything will slip away; shattered pieces will remain, when memories fade into emptiness, only time will tell its tale, if it all has been in vain." understanding the words clearly as I pulled myself up into a sitting position, resting my hand tendering on Sameals strong shoulder.

Sameals close proximity to me sent a wave of tranquil through my senses and for a split second I felt a cold chill radiate away from my fingertips into him; but no sooner did the feeling immerge, it disappeared.

Before I could ponder about the strange sensation Sameal distracted me from my musings when he twisted around to regard me with kind eyes as he addressed me with an air of breeziness "Well good morning Sleeping Beauty, how about we get you out of that blood stained dress huh?" he asked with the slight raise of his eyebrow.

I might have imagined the flirty edge to his comment, but either way I couldn't control the blush that glowed through my cheeks, as I chewed on my bottom lip staring at his beautiful features; finding it hard not to imagine how his lips would feel against mine.

My fantasy soon disappeared though when I became aware of Hayls presence as he got up off the bed with a gruff grumble. I watched him with careful scared eyes as he addressed me with a tight uncomfortable smile before stalking off out of the room.

Before he crossed over the threshold of the door into the hall, he called over his shoulder "I'll send Salisa up to get you into some fresh clothes; we want to be leaving soon." with that he shut the door harshly on Sameal and I.

"Hayl won't hurt you ya know; he wouldn't want to- and I wouldn't let him." Sameal spoke firmly gazing intently at my scared eyes that soften when I returned his gaze; there was something so calming about Sameal that I couldn't quite comprehend.

We sat in silence, with my hand still resting tendering on his strong broad shoulder; part of me wanted to rest my head against his chest, I'd been too frightened earlier to appreciate his embrace but I surely did miss and long for it now.

His train of thought must have been quite similar because he casually placed his large hand gently onto my own shoulder, shortening the distance between us slightly; I couldn't take my eyes off his perfect lips as he brought them closer to mine, I shut my eyes gently, waiting..

Then I felt his soft smooth lips feather light against, my forehead; not exactly what I had hoped for but disappointment didn't set in as his soft words torched my heart "You had me so worried back then Lilith." they were simple words but the held such deep emotion.

We both gazed at each other for a long while wearing shy smiles before once again the oak door opened and somebody else intruded on another one of our moments. This time it was a tall woman with bourbon brown hair and a thin nose that entered pulling with her a large black suitcase; I guessed that she was Salisa - here to help me dress. How patronising.

My eyes assessed her tall frame and subtle curves, noticing the slight tinge or her tanned skin that matched her dark brown eyes; there was no denying her exotic beauty.

My attention returned back to Sameal as he once again kissed my forehead gently before heading slowing towards the open door; my eyes narrowed as Salisa caressed a prying hand down his shoulder lingering at his wrist as she practically puckered her plump lips out at him - the sight made my fingers tingle with spite.

My eyes lingered on her plump strawberry coloured lips as she battered her eye lashes at Sameal; who let out a shaky laugh before leaving Salisa and I alone in the room. I sat frozen to the spot assessing her with narrowed eyes as I tried to control the tingle of envy that ran through my fingertips; I didn't know this woman but knew I didn't like her.

Salisa's dark brown eyes assessed me back as she painted a sweet yet devious smile onto her lips before launching towards me clasping her long fingers around my arms as she swiftly lifted me up onto my bare feet. My eyes widened at the painful pressure applied by her long fingers as she lifted me higher so that my toes pointed against the carpet and my nose was level with her menacing glare.

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