Confusion of Colour

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Chapter Nine

-Confusion of Colour-

Strangely my slumber was dream free and somewhat peaceful. Not wanting to leave the contentment of my sleep I tried to keep my eyes shut but the sensation of my eye lashes fluttering softly against my cheeks was too distractingly annoying to ignore and eventually I was forced to wake. When I did I was shocked to see flickering flames of yellow and orange licking one another franticly within a stone arched fire place. I reached my palms towards the heat, sighing in bliss as the warmth caressed my hands.

Suddenly aware of movement behind me I whipped my head around, protectively clutching my knees towards my body as I did so. Relaxing somewhat when I saw Hayl but unable to prevent my eye brow arching into a frown when I saw that he was parading back and forth twitching his fingers fast like pinchers, all the while mumbling words too quietly for me to hear. I watched him curiously for a long while noting how engrossed he was in his peculiar act, so much so that he seemed completely oblivious that I was spying on him.

Soon the sound of the crackling flames distracted my attention from Hayl and I began to search my surroundings for Sameal, feeling warmth spread through my cheeks as a remembered the feel of his lips on mine, I closed my eyes reminiscing about the moment. I reopened them once again trying to locate him, disappointment setting in when I could not lay eyes on him. Instead I saw bright gaudy floral paper pasted walls surrounding a small room full of colour and light. Becoming tiresome I inspected my plump plush seat which was the shade of violets while wondering who it belonged to.

“Where are we?” I thought out loud.

My question must have taken Hayl by surprise because he halted his actions with a grunt before regarding me with a grimace, then awkwardly sitting beside me with his palms resting against his knees. I couldn’t quite contain my giggle as I witnessed him sitting so prim and formally beside me. Much to my relief my outburst didn’t seem to faze him too much, though he did seem oblivious to what had tickled me he was clearly not interested enough to question.

“We’re in a cottage in the countryside” he explained simply and matter-of-factly.


“I was never fond of the bustle of the city; I can practise more clearly in the serenity of the countryside.”

“Practise, as in magic?” I asked perplexed.

“Something like that, though I consider our magic more of gifts.”

“Ours as in –

“Why yes young Lilith, you, Sameal and I each have our own gifts, our own magic of sorts.”

“Is that why Ardiel –

“All in good time,” he cut me off abruptly, standing stiffly, pausing for a moment to assess his tired reflection in the circular mirror that hung above the fire place before taking wide strides across the small space of the room keeping his back to me.

I heard the twist of a doorknob as he spoke “We are safe here, that it all you need to know for now Young Lilith.”

I couldn’t quite contain the frustrated sigh that flowed through my lips or the words that followed “Stop calling me young and explain what’s going on, I don’t understand any of this, nothing makes any sense, I don’t know what’s happening, I don’t even know who I am, I just don’t know or understand anything.”

All my frustrations and emotions had suddenly bubbled to the surface; I was standing, my hands defiantly against my hips and despite the fire still blazing before me I actually felt a sudden coldness breathe over my skin. I blinked in surprise as I caught my own reflection in the circular mirror, my eyes were wild, shining bright blue, seemingly illuminating my pale ivory skin with a bluish tint, but most of all I looked small and afraid. I saw Hayl’s reflection towards the back of me, his stiff stance more rigid and still, watching me with an unreadable expression. I don’t know how many minutes passed with us both just standing motionless but it seemed like an eternity, the tension growing like the cold.

Unable to stand it any longer I let my hands fall dramatically from my hips and fell back onto the plush seat, retorting “oh never mind.”

Hayl did not respond he merely left the room quietly, leaving me alone. The loneliness calmed me some what and I sighed heavily, ashamed of my outburst, but more so ashamed of my confusion. I sat in silence, watching the flames dance, and thinking of nothing.

I’m uncertain how much time I wasted gazing thoughtlessly at the flickering flames allowing the heat to caress my skin but it was unfamiliar voices that distracted my attention. Reluctantly I stood sleepily, stretching my limbs then taking slow shy steps towards the voices.

A gloss white door decorated with colourful floral stickers led into a tiny kitchen with yellow painted on the walls and cupboards, it was bright and equally as gaudy as the lounge area but warm and homely all the same. Hayl sat beside a table covered by a lemon gingham cloth with his back to me, listening intently to the unfamiliar lady sat opposite whose auburn hair was the only thing visible to me. Curiosity wining over I stepped slowly over the threshold noting the cold yellow tiles beneath my bare feet and registering for the first time the yellow knit oversized jumper that fell almost to my knees.

“Lilith honey hello, I’m Pauline.” The lady chimed cheerily standing to rush over and embrace me in a warm welcoming hug.

The action caught me off guard and I stood awkwardly with my arms loosely beside my sides, until she released me, allowing me to examine her kind brown eyes that were impossible not to smile at. My smile was returned with a friendly grin that creased the woman’s face with wrinkles which added to her gentleness not her age.

“Why don’t you go on outside with Brooke and Sameal” she winked before pointing to a yellow door, with a matching gingham curtain.

Embarrassed by her comment of Sameal but eager to see him I followed her instructions, hesitating to look down at my bare feet once I had the door a jar.

“Oh don’t worry honey, its dry out, go on now, Brooke is very eager to meet you.” She instructed waving her arm in a shooing motion.

With one last look at the mysterious bossy Pauline and the usual grumpy Hayl who had a more than solemn frown upon his face I walked through the yellow door shutting it behind me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2012 ⏰

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