Chapter Fifteen

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Since the Red Wings’ game was in Pittsburgh tonight, Nick and Demi went out to Buffalo Wild Wings to enjoy some delicious wings and beer while watching the game on the restaurant’s big screen televisions. Nick was taking a bit into his boneless honey barbeque chicken wing when Demi spoke up.
"You know, I’m shocked that we didn’t just fly out to the game on your private jet or something." She teased.

Nick laughed with his mouth full. “Well,” He swallowed. “we don’t have a private jet, but there is our jetpack. Sadly, that only fits one person.” He joked.

Demi reached across the table and slapped his bicep. She was going to make some snarky comeback, but then she heard the commentators of the Red Wings game becoming much more enthusiastic  That normally meant something exciting was going on, so her eyes shot up to the television screen in front of her. “Oh no…get it out of there, Lidstrom.” Demi mumbled.

Nick turned his attention up to the TV as well. His eyes widened as Crosby controlled the puck, swerved around the Red Wings’ captain, and sent a slap shot to the net that flew past the goalie. The crowd in Pittsburgh went wild while everyone in the Michigan Buffalo Wild Wings started shouting at the TV. Nick and Demi were two of them, and Demi was definitely the loudest out of everyone.

Nick couldn’t help but laugh at his girlfriend’s reaction. He then smiled at that thought: Demi being his girlfriend. He could feel himself falling for her fast and hard. That whole prostitution thing was still a problem though. Nick tried to not let that bother him, but he’d be lying if he said it didn’t. He was glad he found her on the corner before someone else did; the idea of her being with another guy infuriated him. He was still having nightmares about her being with the pastor’s brother.

Demi stuffed her mouth with another wing. “I’m so glad you picked me up. I don’t normally get a dinner before.” She joked with a wink.

"Yeah," Nick nodded. "Me too." He hated to be the one to put a downer on their fun, but he needed to ask her something. "Demi," He drew a deep breath. "have you ever thought of getting another job?"

She swallowed the last bite of her current chicken wing and nodded. “Of course. It’s just that I have no where else to live. I’m only allowed to stay at Rodney’s if I…” She trailed off and waved her hand, letting Nick finish that sentence in his head. “you know.”

Nick nodded and waited for her to continue.

"Anyway, I could get a second job, but all my activities during the night make me sleep in until three and that’s normally when an afternoon shift would start." Seeing the look on Nick’s face, she reached across the table and took his hand in hers. "I know this must suck for you."

Nick sent her a smile. “To be honest, as long as I still get to see your beautiful face, I’m okay with it.” He paused. “Let’s just not make this a career or anything.” He joked, making Demi laugh.



Nick gently pounded his knuckles on his parents’ white wooden bedroom door. He had just came home from dropping Demi back off at the place he had over the weekend. “Hey, Mom?”

Denise looked over from the television to her son. “Of course. What do you need, Nick?”

"Um, remember how you said that you were thinking of hiring a maid again?" Nick asked as he stepped into the room. His mom nodded her head and he continued. "I think I know someone who could do it."

"Nick," Denise raised her hand. "I already know who you’re thinking and it’s just not going to work-"

"You’ve never even seen her clean yet." Nick defended.

"I’m sure she knows how to make a bed, but I’ll need more than that on a resume." Denise remarked in a harsh tone.

"Mom, that’s unfair and you know it." Nick replied. He took a breath and then continued. "She just needs a little more cash just to get out of there and then that part of her life will be over. Please, Mom? Just give her a chance." Nick begged.


The next night Nick met Demi at the same corner, but he came a little earlier this time, just to make sure no one else beat him there. After Demi greeted him with a kiss, she hopped into the passenger seat and then they were off.

"So, remember how last night you were talking about getting a different job?" Nick began. Demi nodded at this. "Well, I may have found you one."

Demi’s brows scrunched together. “How in the world were you able to get me a job that quick?”

"I know people." Nick replied with a wink.

"Of course. I forgot that the Jonas family knows everyone in the entire world." She joked. "What’s the job?"

"A maid at my house."

Demi raised an eyebrow. “That better not be some sexist joke or something.”

Nick rapidly shook his head. “No, not at all. My mom mentioned a few weeks back that she was thinking of getting a maid again. Last night after our talk, I told her to hire you and she did.”

Her eyebrow stayed raised. “Your mom is willing to hire me? Did we suddenly fly into another universe or something?”

"Well, it’s more of a trial run, but if you do a good job she’d hire you."

"How much?"

"Twenty bucks an hour."

"And how would this whole situation work?"

"I figured that I could pick you up every night, just like I’m doing now, and instead of sleeping with guys, you’d be cleaning my house. Then I’d drop you off and my mom would pay you every day that you worked."

"You do realize there’s not really going to be much for me to clean the night after I just cleaned your house."

"Trust me, when three boys live there, it can get pretty disgusting."

Demi laughed. “You’re making this sound so glamorous,” She then paused and smiled at her boyfriend. “but you’ve got yourself a maid.

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