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The wind blew coldly and the surroundings are quite. You can only hear some sounds of vehicle far away. The sky are clear and you can see countless stars and  the single moon that shines brightly like a sun in a night.

In a upper most floor of a building, two shadows can figured out. From then you can know that the two shadows are a shadow of a woman.

One is holding a gun and the other is smiling coldly while her back facing the window that's open. Cold wind blowing her black midnight hair while bathing in a moonlight makes her like a goddess of the night. But the painting like scenery is ruined because of the blood stains in her white dress.

Seeing her so beautiful even if she's near in her death, Shen Mi clenched her lest fist in anger.

Even until her death, she's still so beautiful. Why is she born anyway? For her the ruin me and take the limelight that's supposed to be mine?? No, tonight she should die or else everything that should be mine will be taken away by her.

When she reach at this point, she pointed the gun she's holding again in her chest and said: "Elder sister, why don't you jump? If you worrying about your position as the best assassin, this meimei(1) will take care of it okay?"

Seeing how her younger sister driven by her jealousy to the point she will kill even her elder sister, Lu YanYu smiled coldly and said: "Shen Mi, do you think the organization will let you go if you kill me? Hah, do you think because your thinking I snatched the position as the best assassin to you, you're really the best?"

"Of course. If your not a bitch that likes to snatched what I want, do you think your in that position?"

"Then if you think so, this jiejie(2) will grant your wish. Just be careful and don't regret it."

"Why this meimei will regret it? What are you dilly dallying for? Just jump jiejie."

Looking at her younger sworn sister one last time, Lu YanYu smiled coldly and jump.

Seeing as her elder sworn sister jump to her death, Shem Mi laugh in joy and said: "Finally, the position as the best assassin will be mine."


Feeling the sore all over her body, a groan escape her lips and open her eyes slowly. Lu YanYu didn't know if this is just an illusion or a dream but seeing how she had a feeling that indicating that she's alive scared her. What if it's just a dream and she's really dead?

Even though she jump to her death willingly, she still doesn't want to die. She doesn't have any choice that time. If given another chance, she will fight her life with her bitch and jealous sworn younger sister just to live. But alas, she have a gun plus she's been shot at that time. She also lose so much blood her head becoming light as a feather.

Looking around, she didn't spot any people. Battered, Lu YanYu prop herself up slowly while groaning when a sudden pain assaulted her brain.

Her body is weak plus the sudden assault cause her to lose consciousness.


(1)meimei - younger sister

(2)jiejie - elder sister


Jam's Note:
Yahooo!! I'm done with the prologue. I hoped you enjoyed your reading experience.

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That's all...


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