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After settling to her room, in which the readied and exclusive only for her, she gathered the four.

"Lu Qi, gather all the reports about the royal family. I want to see it tomorrow morning. Lu Shi, notify the all the member of the sect that are stationed here to be ready tomorrow. Lu San, go to those company leaders, I want them to report to me verbally tomorrow also. And Lu Xan, prepare yourself, we will go out. I want to see my sisters with my own eyes." Long YanYu ordered everyone of them with what they will do.

"Yes, mistress." And the four maids obediently agreed.

"Young miss, what should I ready?!" Lu Xan ask after her four sisters departed to do their own task.

"No. You only need to ready yourselves. I want to gift my two sisters an appetizer. I want to see how they are after so many years I didn't saw them. They're my sisters after all so I had to see their condition." Long YanYu answered her maid's question with a sweet smile on her face.

If someone who didn't know her at all see her sweet smile, for sure they will fall for her instantly. Imagine, a goddess smile so sweetly at you, of course you will be dumb struck. But since Lu Xan is the only one who saw her plus she already know her mistress- that everytime she smile like that someone will suffer- Lu Xan can't help but shiver.

Ah, I will light a candle to whoever you are who will be burn by my mistress. But on the second thought, I should light for my candle myself first. Maybe I will light you a candle if I survive first. Forgive me~~

Unaware by her maid's thoughts, Long YanYu changed her dress for her plan. She will sight seeing the area.

Changing her plain and white dress into green and white dress with a bamboo embroidery, a fan in her hand and her cheerful maid at her back, Long YanYu departed.


Walking at the lively streets, Long YanYu started observing them. Taking in the lively atmosphere with a kind of ancient feel that's not very far from the lively streets in the modern world. You just have to ignore the ancient feeling.

"Mistress, where are we going now?" Lu Xan asked while her gaze in the surroundings.

"Where did nobles frequently at?" Long YanYu asked without stopping her hand from fanning herself.

"Hmm... From what I heard from the sisters in the sect, nobles are frequently staying at Plum Blossom Pavilion, mistress."

Smirking, "Then let's head there. You take the lead."

"Yes, mistress."

Looking at the shop with two plum blossom trees welcoming it's guest, a plaque with a graceful and elegant calligraphy, just a glance and Long YanYu immediately knows why the nobles choose this place.

"Welcome, guest." A smiling woman in her twenties wearing a light and flowing pink dress appeared just as they step in.

"Can you give us a private room?"

"This way, guests." With a gesture of leading them, the lady lead them upstairs to where a vacant private room is.

Coming in, the room gave off a elegant feeling. A plum blossom flower in a vase placed at the side, a painting hung opposite to the door and a four seater table at the middle. There's also a plum blossom flower in a vase placed in the window and a screen with a plum blossom embroidery. A very expected to a private room.

Settling down to the table, Lu Xan demanded for the menu. Getting downstairs to get the menu, the lady gave them a pot of freshly brewed plum blossom tea which is one of their best seller tea when she came back.

Seeing the lady like she had something to say but afraid to say so, Lu Xan asked, "Do you need anything?"

"Guests, we have an event later. Our shop will be hosting an event later. Guest can join." The lady answered while getting their orders.

"Hmm... Then let's see." Without lifting her gaze, Long YanYu answered with a gentle smile plastered in her face.

After getting the orders and her desired answered, the lady departed contently to get their orders not before saying to wait atleast a full ten minutes before the orders are sent upstairs. Who wouldn't if the patron she decided to serve ordered so many dishes. She will have benefits in that, okay.

"Mistress, what if third and sixth princess didn't come?"

Calmly sipping her tea without ripples in her eyes, she answered, "You think? With how much they loved being worshipped. I don't think so, Lu Xan."

Feeling her eyes made sense, Lu Xan decided to shut her mouth. She decided to turn her attention on what's happening down stairs.

Even though they're at the second floor's private room, the shop have a small window with a see through curtain that can made the guests in it see what's happening downstairs without fail. More so, people downstairs won't know who's in the private room.

Looking at people coming and going to the restaurant really test her patience. It's not like she doesn't have it, it's just that watching a boring scene bored her. She wants to watch a good show.

Maybe her mistress saw how bored she is and Long YanYu amusedly said, "Lu Xan, just wait more and you can watch and exciting show. Just behave."

Looking back at her mistress who's sipping her tea calmly with a calm without any ripples in her eyes, Lu Xan just pout but didn't say anything. Well, since her mistress already said to wait, then she will wait. It's not like she will wait for too long.

For minutes more, their food finally arrived. Countless mouth watering and appetite inducing food laid bare in their table. Waiting to be eaten.

Lile always, her mistress didn't mind her sharing a table to her so without scruples, Lu Xan started to dig in.

"Woah, *munch munch* the restaurant really *munch munch* live up to *munch munch* the expectations." Lu Xan blabbered without even minding her mouth full of foods.

Gracefully sipping a tea first before she talked, "Swallow your food first before you talked, Lu Xan."

Following what was ordered to her, Lu Xan swallowed the food in her mouth first before apologize with her head hanging down. "Sorry for my misbehavior, mistress."

"Hmm... Continue eating."

Back from her bubbly self, "Hmm... Yes, mistress."

Eating silently with just a sound outside was heard, the two eat their fill silently.

Just as they finished sipping a digestive tea to help them digest the food they just heard when they heard a commotion downstairs. Taking a peek, Lu Xan saw the two princesses her mistress had been waiting for.

"Mistress, the two princesses finally decided show up." Lu Xan said while gazing her mistress excitedly. But her bubbles got burst when she finally noticed how scary her mistress' expression is. It's like she have a gentle smile plastered on her face but there's a cold and killing intent in her eyes. Goosebumps~~

Now, I should light up a candle to those princesses in advance. Ah, no- I.changed my mind. I shouldn't take pity on them. It's their fault anyway. I just stay back, relax and watch a good show~~


Jam's Note: 

Oh my god!! I'm back guys >_<!!!! 

Forgive for vanishing for months. I just got some personal problems I have to solved thus I don't have a time to write. Now I'm back for good and like usual I'll update without a schedule. You know, I still need to review as I have my upcoming exams this first week of March.

I'm trying to go back to school so I need to cram right now. Please understand.

That's all!!

I Purple You♥♥♥♥

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2020 ⏰

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