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In the middle of the bed, a certain someone is currently awake but because of laziness she seems too reluctant to part with her bed.

Of course it's Long YanYu. If not her who else will it be?

After she talked to her spirit, she just ate a little bit and go to sleep again.

Now that her most important problem had been solved, Long YanYu's drafting a plan appropriate for her and her revenge.

Even though the original owner died without any resentment as she feel it in her body when she first arrive, she still want to extract revenge. Of not, her name wi not be Long YanYu.

They did to know how's the feeling of being humiliated, abandoned, forgotten and what's the feeling of being bullied. She wants them to experience it a hundred, ah no, she wants them to experience it a thousand fold.

She wants them to grovel and admit defeat in her feet. She want to see them in their knees.

She want to see what look they will make if they fall in there high positions. She want them to suffer.

The person who can take advantage of her is still not been born. She can't let those people to continue to humiliate and mock her.

But for her to do that, she needs power. An absolute power where no one can contradict you. An absolute power that makes them tremble just to hear it. And she can wait for it to happen.

But first, she need a plan. A thoroughly plan that can make her strong and feared.

So with new goal, Long YanYu get rid of her laziness and stand up enthusiastically.

Since she doesn't have any money, why don't she get her previous profession come back to light again?

Plus she can make this as an appetizer of her revenge.

Haha... Father, ah father. This princess daughter of yours will gift you an interesting show. You should open your eyes wide and enjoy it, okay?!

If someone see how she giggles and smiles, they will be mesmerized at how beautiful she is but they will also shiver at the sight because of the killing intent and coldness she emitting.


When night came, a certain someone who's dressed in a full black attire are making her way at the Royal Treasury while skillfully avoiding the patrolling guards.

While everyone is at rest, they didn't even notice that someone jumping and being active in the middle of the dead night.

Not long after, you will see a shadow leaping through the roofs and trees happily. If it's not Long YanYu, who else it may be?

After visiting three destinations named Royal Treasury, Imperial Food Storage where foods are stocked and Royal Hospital where you can found numerous herbs.

All of it directly placed in her spatial ring. She even threw them inside without a care.

After all of it done, Long YanYu crawl to her bed like a baby and lay without a little bit care about the world.


For the past few days, when the sun shone in, you will always heard a shout so loud that startle all beings. It happened around the capital. Every noble's manor, establishments, and even the palace got victimized.

They don't know who did it, but every time they remember it all the victim had an urge to beat that someone into a pulp.

Even a decorative gems in a displayed sword in the General Manor got swept. But what mot infuriating is that someone will always leave a single thing. Like when the Right Prime Minister's treasury. When it got raided by that someone, he leave a single gold coins like he's pitying them.

All of them really want to beat that unscrupulous thief into a pulp.

While everyone in the capital and in the palace are angered because of an unscrupulous thief, a certain someone is gloating because of her rich harvest.

Sitting in a chaise near the window, Long YanYu is in daze planning her next move.

Getting money is the base of all plans to get revenge and to get stronger and she have it now.

But she's thinking how?

I want to have businesses over the empire but I'm not good enough to manage it all if it just myself.

I also want to build her connections and prestige. But she can't do that if she doesn't have any servants and loyal subordinates.

Ah, right ah! Maybe I should just train servants and subordinates that will be my army, weapon and secret ace.

Right, maybe I should buy slaves then.

Thinking a passable plan, Long YanYu get her ass up in her chaise to execute it.

She just have a tiny problem... She doesn't know where to buy slaves.

Oh, well! I just ask people there. I should get going now.


Jam's Note:
Yay! Another chapter done👏👏

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