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In the one month that the five of them are in the forest, Long YanYu can now finally see the results of her teaching to those girls.

Since the second day where the four of them pledge their loyalty to her and they gone to a metamorphosis, the caterpillars turned into a beautiful and exquisite butterflies, Long YanYu taught and trained them to be a servants worthy to be by her side.

Each four of them have their own field of expertise. Each one is useful for Long YanYu's plan in the future.

Lu Qi is more mature than her peers and cold, Long YanYu trained her to be a someone she can trust when it comes to money and anything related to business.

Lu San is a gentle and more like a white lotus so Long YanYu trained her to be a doctor or physician. Since she wants to build an organization, a physician is a must.

Since Lu Xan is more childish and playful than the rest, Long YanYu trained her to use it as her advantage to gather gossips, information or to also spread gossips. By now, all Lu Xan did is to go to the nearest town to gossip. Thankfully, some of her gossip is useful to Long YanYu otherwise, Lu Xan will not see the town again.

While Lu Shi, since she's more an introvert and quiet lady, Long YanYu is in the process into turning her as an assassin and a shadow. A shadow who gathered information in the dark and do things that can't be seen in the light.

Now, Long YanYu only need is time. By then, she can start her journey of revenge.

Back to the present~

Finishing the last touch of the katana she just finished refining, a knock was heard.

"Young mistress, all of them are already in the lounge. We also finished dressing them up. We're just awaiting your next order."

"Then let them rest first. Gather them tomorrow at 6 near the falls."

"Yes, mistress."

For the past one month, not only those four girls changed, even she, herself experience a drastic changes.

From the 'trash' princess, Long YanYu changed into one of the strongest in the Azure Dragon Empire in the young generation. A pity, no one knows.

Two days ago, Long YanYu decided to implement the latter half of her second plan. That is to find loyal subordinates. Of course you can't immediately find loyal subordinates, so Long YanYu tasked Lu Qi and Lu San to recruit orphans or beggars at the age of 8-25 to be the base of the organization she wants to build.

But for now, she need to train them first.

Looking at her another finished product, Long YanYu throw the holden rank katana aside like she's throwing a garbage aside.

But if someone see her doing it, don't know if Long YanYu will live or die by the blood they will spit.

But since no one saw her plus if her maids saw her, those four will only cry inside but had an indifferent expression outside. What can they do? For the past month they've been serving and following her, their mistress love to do things out of norms. They already got used to it on, okay?!

Placing her chin above her hand while she place her arm in the table, Long YanYu suddenly have an urge to scream.

I'm bored, ah! What will I do next?!

Thinking what she will do next as she wants to ease her boredom, Long YanYu think to make things convenient for cooking.

Hmm... Since I don't really have cooking tools like I had on Earth, why not do some, right?!

Parallel World: Becoming A Trash Princess [Parallel World Series # 1]Where stories live. Discover now