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Jam's Note:
I'm back!! Don't forget to vote, leave a comment and be a fan.


After sorting the memories of the previous owner, Long YanYu prop herself up and walk to her desolated and barren courtyard slowly.

This courtyard is one of the courtyard in the cold palace. The previous owner changed her courtyard and settled here after her mother died when she's 10.

When she arrived, she observed the room she occupying. It was crude, simple but clean room. The room have necessity for everyday use.

Sitting in the bed, Long YanYu start to think how can she have money. She can't change this body's fate if she doesn't have any single penny.

Looking around, nothing of any value she can pawn or even sale.

What princess? She's just a poor child okay?

Thinking hard, she remembered that two boxes her mother left to her when she died. The previous owner doesn't have any interest on it so she put that boxes below her bed.

Now looking at it, she really can't blame the previous owner if she doesn't have any interest in these boxes. The two boxes is just simple without any cravings on it.

She thought it's a jewelry box but it's not.

Anyway, since this body's mother is the one who left this boxes might as well she take a peek.

Opening a smaller box, she's shocked because the box contains different sizes of needles for acupuncture.

Now that she thinks of it, this box is a blessing in disguise for her as she needs it if she wants to protect herself in this strong step on the weak society now that she's a weak little girl.

Lifting one of the needles to familiarize her hands on it, she didn't see any rust in the needle even if it's stocked a long time. Also, the needle feels good on her hands like it's made specifically for her hands.

After playing the needles for awhile, Long YanYu directed her gaze at the second box. Don't know why but she's expecting the box to contain something good.

Not wasting any second, Long YanYu opened it for her to see a white pearl like a snow, a jade hairpin, old looking ring, fan and a letter.

The letter is addressed to this body so she read it.

Ah Yu,

If your reading this, it means I'm no longer in your side. Mother have many more to say but mother doesn't have anytime.

Ah Yu, mother leave this things for you. I want you to learn how to use the needles to be your secret weapon. It's in the other box.

The things with this letter are also yours. The pearl, just drop a bit of blood and you can see what it was and acclaim it's ownership.

The hairpin is symbolizing your identity. Just remember, that dog emperor is not truly your father. Mother will explain the other things if we meet again.

The ring, it's a spatial ring. Like the pearl just drop a bit of blood to claim your ownership.

And lastly the fan. It's a spiritual weapon mother readied for you. I know you will know how to claim it's ownership so mother will not say it.

Mother will now go. Remember to always stay safe. Mother is still waiting for you here.

Mother always love you, Ah Yu!


Finishing the letter, Long YanYu is now feeling jealous over the original owner. Even though her mother abandoned her, she still prepared things for her. Shocking thing is, her mother didn't died and she's waiting for the original owner to that place.

Unfortunately she didn't know where that place is.

Settling her gaze to the four things beside this letter, YanYu lifted the hairpin to her finger. When she think the blood is enough, she drop the blood first in the ring.

The ring greedily absorb the blood and it transform as a red with golden line ring. It looks pretty. Wearing it in her left middle finger, a magical happened. It changes it size to fit in the finger perfectly.

Wow! It's not just the ring looks pretty it also magical.

Parallel World: Becoming A Trash Princess [Parallel World Series # 1]Where stories live. Discover now