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Looking at the plenty of ingredients infront of her, Long YanYu decided to cook a sumptuous meal. Three dishes of vegetables, two dishes of meat and a rice. She decided it since she have a long day today.

She needs energy to keep going. Besides she may forgot to eat lunch later when she starts. She doesn't have maids to help her.

Satisfied by her meal, Long YanYu prepare a hot water for her medicinal bath. She also locks the door of her bed chamber for precaution.

When everything's done, she start to process the herbs. She brew them as a decoction and soon her chamber smells of herbs. But unlike the other decoction, the smell of it have a mild sweet smell.

Then she put them in a bottle. For a single set, she brewed it for her to use for three days. Meaning she still needs to brew a couple more to fill her needs for a week.

Since I brewed the amount exceeding my expectations, then I just finish it up first before I brew more.

Filling the bath full of hot water, Long YanYu then pour the brewed medicine turning the once clear water as green water.

Striping all her body, she feel first if she can tolerate the water before she soak herself. Sighing because of the relaxation it bring to herself, she can't keep her eyes to drop down. Soon, a even breathing can be heard in her chamber.


For the following days, Long YanYu locked herself in her chamber brewing medicines and refining pills. Since the first day when she start soaking herself in the medicine bath, she feels something changes happening to her and she's happy.

Even though some kind of pills needs spiritual qi to make them, it still didn't stop Long YanYu to refine pills and brew medicine in her own way and pace.

Everyday, her desolated courtyard will be smelled of medicines. Fortunately, no one approach her courtyard or else those servants will say she's a ghost.

While she's doing something in her own courtyard, Noble Concubine Lin and her daughters the third and fourth princess made her dead in the eyes of the public.

Pulling someone to die and disguise it as Long YanYu is as easy as eating for Noble Concubine Lin. So even though they didn't see her corpse or they didn't know if she really died since her two daughters said she will be dead eventually, that didn't hindered them to do what they've planned.

Since it's only a trash princess and nothing important died, the emperor didn't dig any deeper and investigate why 'Long YanYu' died. He just tell them to bury her. He didn't even mourn. It's like the person who died is just a lowly servant not his daughter.

Back to Long YanYu.

Soaking herself in the medicinal bath one last time, Long YanYu soon lose her consciousness.

When she reopen her eyes, she found herself in the middle of a two floored pagoda. The white silk curtains fluttered lightly even without any wind. There's also a soft sound of bells ringing.

Looking at the unfamiliar place around her, a sudden voice startled her.


"Eh?" Flinging her head left and right, she can't see anything except for black. The only light here in this pagoda.

"Where are you? Are you spirit?"

"Yes, master."

When she's still thinking where her spirit is, something condensed in front of her out of nowhere.

It's a snow white nine tailed fox.


"Eh? Your my spirit?"

"Yes master."

The nine tailed fox is only sized like a cat. But it looks fluffy and cute.

"What's your name?"

"Master I don't have name. Master will be the one to name me."

"Eh? Is it? Then your name will be Little White."

"Thanks master."

"Why are you always calling me master? Just call me Young Miss, ah!"

"Then Little White will call Young Miss."

"En. That's better. How will I get out?"

"Just think master."


When she reopen her eyes again, she appeared in her familiar desolated chamber.

Also, a fox with nine tail tattoo appeared in her left chest indicating that her spirit is now awaken.

She can now freely call herself as cultivator.


Jam's Note:
I'm back!!! Another part done. Don't forget to vote and comment. 

Please support guys!


Parallel World: Becoming A Trash Princess [Parallel World Series # 1]Where stories live. Discover now