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"Wait, let me finish first. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha😂😂😂" Laughing hard to the point that she is almost crying, Long YanYu didn't notice the stares of the four girls are while they're all looking at their young miss.

I don't know that I can laugh this hard again. I thought I will not have any chance to laugh so free like that. Laughing hard like that feels really refreshing indeed. Looks like I need to treat this four more good from now one.

While the young miss is thinking to treating her servant girls more good in the future, the four girls thoughts flew far away.

Young... young miss couldn't be sick, right? What would us, servants will do if young miss is really sick?!

The four servants are engrossed with their thoughts when they jolted awake by their young miss' voice.

"Now, I'll tell to the four of you why I'm laughing." Long YanYu stand more straight while the four servants perked their ears, eager to listen what is the reason their young miss is laughing so hard.

"It's because of your reaction. You all treating that six common pills are treasures. That's just a commoners pills, okay?! Don't treat it like a treasure, okay! A common pills can make you look at the pills like what  your holding is a treasure then what your reaction will be if I give you an Element Pill?" Long YanYu said with a clearly and distinct disdain in her voice.

While Long YanYu is disdaining the pills that she gave to the four girls, those four girls really want to find and bang their heads to tofu.

Really, young miss?! Why you must give us a heart attack?! And what did young miss said? Element pill? Puchi!!! ELEMENT PILL??

Shocked to the core when they finally processed what their young miss had said, the four of them received another but much stronger shocked of their life.

The quiet Lu Shi flabbergasted, "What...what did you say, young miss?"

Seeing their pale face like they receive a great shock, frown immediately emerged in her eyes.

"What do you want me to repeat? The 'why your treating those common pills as treasure'?"

"Not that one, young miss."

Confused, "Eh?! Then what?!"

"About... about the last part."

Suddenly enlighten, Long YanYu lightly says, "Oh! Element pill. Yes, I will give you an element pill in the future. But of course that is under the condition that you will be a loyal and useful servants."

Sure that they all heard quickly, they all feel that their strength are quickly leaving them. The thing their young miss said make their feet wobble.

Noticing their state, Long YanYu's turn to be flabbergasted.

What the... Why are all of them looks like their strength are leaving them and just a light tap can make them fall in to the ground?

Long YanYu is flabbergasted by their new situation.

While Long YanYu are in her dumbfounded state, the four servants can't leave their current state. The shocked they received are so strong.

Who wouldn't?!

Element pill is like a godly sent things to a cultivator?! Why? It's because that pill can be used by both beast and flower and fauna type spirit and a cultivator. The pill can help them increase their element power. But because of the long lost formula, the element pill become the history and one of the things erased by the time. Even an ordinary people knows that kind of pill.

Parallel World: Becoming A Trash Princess [Parallel World Series # 1]Where stories live. Discover now