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In contrast to the bustling and lively street just below their private room, the room is experiencing a cold temperature.

No one's dare to make a sound. Afraid to disturb the cold and merciless god sitting in his chair that although it's just an ordinary chair, it looks like a throne right now because he's sitting on it.

The cold man in the private box is the "Death God" General Xui. The youngest general in Azure Dragon Country and the youngest son of the retired general. Commanding a five hundred thousand troops, General Xui is the most feared but the most desired man by almost noble ladies in the country.

But, alas, he has an allergy for women. Just three step from him and you can say good bye to your life. Cold and unfeeling.


"One pays respect to master."

A black clothed man appeared and pay his respect.


Hearing a response, the black clothed man stand up before he carefully say his report.

"Master, I can't get much information to that woman whom you trusted to investigate to me. I looks like someone deliberately concealing her information."

Waiting for his master's response, One is confused when his master still didn't react. Peeping to see his master's expression, he's shocked to see his master in a dazed. It's like he's thinking someone or something far away.

Even minutes later, he's still in a dazed so One doesn't have a choice but to wait. Luckily he didn't wait long until his master's responded.

"En. Your dismiss."

Finally dismiss, One speedily disappeared that even his shadow can't be seen.

*Tap tap tap*

Tapping the table in an even interval, a smirk is visible on his face.

He whispered, "Soon, wife. I'll make sure to make you mine when we meet next time."


In half a year time, the sect whose name 'White Phantom' becomes one of a strong yet mysterious powerhouse in Azure Dragon Country. They debuted half a year ago, but in this short amount of time it grows big. Even similar countries around, the sect have it's place.

While the outside world are busy marvelling at the fast pace growth and increasing strength of the sect, Long YanYu as the sect leader is leisurely having her time in her courtyard.

Building a base in the inner core region of the Dark Forest where everyone is afraid to venture, the White Phantom Sect didn't have many wasted times in fighting and guarding their sect over some assassins like those in the the outside.

Those fierce beast outside becomes one of the defenses of the sect aside from them being a sparring partner by everyone.

Plus the once trash without any cultivation are now in Spiritual Grandmaster Realm high rank. She become one of the strongest person in the Azure Dragon.

Plopping one of the ripped lychees in her mouth, Long YanYu heard Lu Xan's high pitched voice even from afar.

Waiting for her maid to stop in front of her, "Why are you running like there's someone chasing you for your life?"

Huffing and trying to catch her breath, Lu Xan said, "*Huff huff* What are you saying *huff* mistress? I was just *huff* excited to report to *huff* that Lu Feng's letter are here. Wooh! It's so tiring to run from the outer core to here."

Knowing how she work hard, Long YanYu poured a chrysanthemum tea in a red tea cup and place it in her front.

"Hahaha!! Is it? Here, drink tea first to clench your thirst. Who even say to you to run, anyway?!"

Thanking her mistress for the tea, Lu Xan gulp down the tea in one mouthful before pouting by what she heard.

"*Pout* Eh, mistress... I'm just excited to see what did she will report this time."

Patting her maid's head, "Fine, fine. Give me the letter and I shall say what she will report."


Giving the letter she hid in her sleeves, Long YanYu tear the envelop first before reading the letter.

Since she decided to appoint those two as a company leaders, Long YanYu taught them codes. For them to have a way of communication that only they know. She taught them the modern codes.

Folding it again, she saw Lu Xan's enlarged face while eagerly looking at her.

"Haha!! What is it?"

"Mistress, what did Lu Feng said?"

"We're going to go back to the capital. Tell this to your jiejie and pack up."

"EHH??? Really mistress? Yipiee... I'll go now, mistress."

Like how she arrived, Lu Xan also go running excitedly.

Resuming to calmly sipping her tea, no one notice a sharp glint flashes her eyes.


"Mistress, all are ready. We're ready to depart."

"En. Let's go."

Signalling to her maids to depart, Long YanYu's entourage finally in the way to the capital.

The supposedly dead princess are now in her way to revenge.

Travelling for almost two days, they arrived at the front of their inn's front door.

Seeing a simple carriage stopped in the front door of the inn owned by the mysterious but growing White Phantom Sect, every commoner and nobles alike know that the owner of that carriage is a person who you can't trifled with.

But that's didn't stop them to stare when they saw the four beautiful servants step out of the carriage one by one.

Each servant is more beautiful than the last. Even their aura and temperament, they're all exceeding the crowd. Even the servant of an emperor are not like that.

While they're imagining what will be looks like of the owner, they saw a pale and beautiful hands like a lotus root put it on top of the cold servant's hand.

By that, a person who step the last shocked the crowd watching them.

By saying that she's beautiful is not enough. Even the empire's four beauties, placing it beside her will be like comparing a crow to a phoenix.

Gazes from men and women alike are thrown in to her. Envy, jealousy, awe, and worship. But like a celestial fairy, she didn't pay any attention to it and calmly walk in.

Seeing the beauty gone, everyone snap out of their daze and continued what they're doing while some idle gossipers talking about her.


Jam's Note:

Sorry for the slow and short update.

Thank you for your overwhelming support guys! It really warmed my heart >3<!!!


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