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One hour has passed first before Long YanYu wake up.
The first thing she see is her own face reflected in the river. Shocked by the sudden changes of her face, she also check her body to be equally shock.

Just a glance and she knows right away. All the external injuries are healed that not even a single scar remains.

The once battered and full of external even the internal injuries is healed. Her body become as white as snow and as smooth as jade. If her body now appeared in her past life, for sure it will become super famous and even the title of being the most beautiful is not a dream.

Getting out of the river and putting the complicated hanfu, Long YanYu walk back to the palace specifically to the alchemy room. She want to see if there's a way there to fix her trash and broken meridians and awaken her spirit.

The formulas are arranged neatly. Long YanYu can see how the previous owner of this pearl like to be organized and everything to be cleaned.

Finding what she wants, Long YanYu didn't notice the time. When she found what she wants, couple of hours had passed.

Since all the herbs she needed for the medicinal bath that can fix her trash meridians, she just readied it as she will make it tomorrow.

From the books she'd read back in her free time on Earth, spatial space like this can enter and exit by the owner through thier will. Without a choice plus she also really didn't know how to exit here, she just copied it and it work.

Outside, hours are also passed and the time in both places are the same. Meaning, Long YanYu passed her first day in this new world in hunger.

Since ancient times, night time is the time where mostly people will rest. But for those people who like the quietness of the night like her, this time is the perfect time to be active.

Since no one delivered food to this princess, this princess shall find food instead. Just don't regret it, ah!


When morning comes, many servants and eunuch in the kitchen and storage where all the stock of foods are in chaos. A thief with a tiger and leopard's guts dared to steal foods in the palace.

Servants and master alike are on edge, even the emperor. Someone dared to come to the palace without alerting anyone. Now it's jus want to steal foods but what about another time? What if the next time she just didn't steal foods bit she also dare to steal or kill a life? What will they do then?

While everyone is thinking what will next do next, a certain someone in the cold palace is  just woke up.

This is her second day being transmigrated over. She needs to enjoy the feeling of waking up naturally without someone disturbing her. It feels great.

In her last life, she always wake up early because of work and slept late also because of work. She also rarely had day offs. Fortunately her body is used to that arrangement or else she would die of exhaustion.

Long YanYu also wants to see how this place looks like when dawn. If it's also like Earth that because of pollution, the view is not as beautiful as before. But maybe, since pollution is not present here the beauty is more breath taking than Earth.

Finishing her thoughts there, Long YanYu stand up from here creaking bed to prepare her breakfast. Since the original owner's mother died she cooked her food herself, prepare the bath herself, clean her courtyard herself. Basically she did everything herself.

No one can help her. Only herself so without a choice, a glutton prepare her breakfast herself as well.

Thinking the foods she stolen last night when everyone's are unaware, a giggle escape her luscious and red lips.

Maybe her dog father is panicking right now. Who would expect someone to have a leopard's guts to steal foods in the palace?

It's their fault, ah! Who told them to make this princess hungry? In fact, they should be thankful as this princess only steal a little bit of food. Besides I can only steal in the palace, ah! I also doesn't have a choice.

If someone heard what's she thinking, maybe they will vomit blood in anger and they will bang their head in a tofu to commit suicide.


Jam's Note:
Yes, ah! I've finished another part. I hope you enjoyed your reading. Don't forget to click the star button and leave a comment in the comment box.

That's all...


Parallel World: Becoming A Trash Princess [Parallel World Series # 1]Where stories live. Discover now