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Sneaking, Long YanYu soon got out of the palace without alarming anyone. Of course she's the godly thief that threw the whole capital and the palace in chaos so sneaking without anyone noticing is just a piece of cake for her.

After asking people around, Long YanYu finally arrived at her destination- the Slave Market. Wearing a simple attire plus a veil, she's also like others who wants to buy slaves. Different kinds of people are present, wanting to buy some slaves.

All the slaves are in display like a product in sale. As a person from the 21st century where human treated equally, Long YanYu is angered because of this conception. But as the only person here in a society where there are slaves that treated like goods and garbage by other, she doesn't have a choice but to grit her teeth and watch helplessly as how the others treated them.

Walking around for almost an hour now without anyone caught her attention, Long YanYu didn't know what to do. She really in need some servants to do some things for her especially to those things she really can't do.

Arriving at a stall where it auction some woman slaves, four slaves in the stage caught her attention.

All of them looks dirty and ragged but the looks in their eyes amaze her. All the eyes of the slaves she saw is full of despair and grief, but those four female's eyes is clear without any ripples. She didn't know what's up with them, but she's sure they are different.

Approaching the stage, Long YanYu immediately buy the four slaves. Even though it's an auction because of her high priced, the owner immediately give their slave contract.

Thus her purpose her in Slave Market had been solved.


Since she can't now go back to the palace, Long YanYu rented an inn for the five of them and give them time to fix themselves.

Precisely an hour after, the four slaves presented themselves in front of her cleaned.

"The four of you, do you have any names?"

She asked them. Even though they're slaves they had their own names, right? She wants them to use it even if they had their own master.

"Master, four of us slaves doesn't have names. I hope master will bestow us names."

"Eh? Then starting from you, the four of you will be called Lu Shi, Lu San, Lu Qi and Lu Xan."

"Thanking master."

"You all didn't have to call me master. Young miss is fine."

"Young Miss."

"En. From now on I will be your young miss. I'm not like others you will treat slaves as garbage and I know you doesn't believe me but over time you will know. I will treat you like a servant not a slave and even better than other master treating their servants so you can be rest assured. I just didn't like ungrateful and disloyal servants. If you prove yourself to be worthy to be beside me, you will not regret it. Do we clear?"

"Yes, young miss."

"Then good. You can now rest early as we will go to Dark Forest. You will train be by me so you can protect yourself and do things I will ask you to do."

Confused by what thier young miss wants to do, they just agree. Who told them to be brought by her and be their master?

"Yes, young miss."

"En. Withdraw."

Finally finished preparing for the first phase of her plan, Long YanYu immediately rest as they have a long day tomorrow.


Jam's Note:
Finally done👏👏. Thank you for the support guys. Don't forget to vote⭐ and leave a comment.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter.


Parallel World: Becoming A Trash Princess [Parallel World Series # 1]Where stories live. Discover now