Chapter 16

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I sat comfortably on the couch in the Doctor's office and I caught a glimpse curiosity in the doctor's eyes as I crossed my leg.


"I assume that her parents are not coming here to see her?." I started the conversation.

"Hmmm. No, I asked Mrs. Hawthorne regarding that. She said, it was okay to let you know that Mr. Hawthorne is under medical treatment also. He has a prostate cancer and needs all the attention because we all know how cancer can get. She told me that she will call you tomorrow."

I nodded my head and suddenly felt bad for Diana.

"She also sent me Miss Hawthorne's medical records. Including her Psychiatric records." He handed to me stacks of papers.

I took it from him and flipped the pages. I read the first page.

Name: Diana Adelaide Marie Hawthorne
Mother: Agatha Francoise Winston
Father: David Helbert Hawthorne
Age: 18
Birthday: September 17,1999

I read all the basic information about her and I flipped for the second page.

Diana has allergies to seafood.
Allergic to;
Basic medicines

Phobias and Fears

More basic details until I get to the 7th page.

Psychiatric evaluation by Dr. Sandra Smith

Diana is experiencing depression and is suffering de attachment towards her feelings. She is always seeking approval but nevertheless does what she wanted to do. Her world revolves around herself and she has Post Traumatic Stress Disorder after the case has been closed.

Diana has been overwhelmed and distraught after the threats and tried to kill herself by overdosing from her anti-depressants. I changed her medicine to Ativan to give her sleep that she is lacking.

Another page of the same records and I shut the folder. I looked at the Doctor and breathed in and out.

"She has been through a lot." The doctor said after seeing my reaction.

"How about her situation right now?". I asked because I don't have the energy to read everything about Diana Hawthorne right now.

"I indicated already that what she has been experiencing now is the side effect of the pain killer she is taking. I noted what pain killer she is used to. Thats what I assigned for her now but it will give her hallucinations."

I nodded and breathed in. "I should go back to her now." I stood up and straightened my dress.

The doctor stood up also. "Ah yes."

When I came back to the room, I was relieved to see that Diana is still sleeping peacefully. I stared at her and watch as her chest rise and fall from breathing.

I was about to turn around and head to the bathroom when I felt her stir from her deep sleep and muttered something.

"S-s-san--." Then came a sob.

I sat beside her and soothed her head. I heard her sigh and melt into my touch. I was taken aback when she took my hand and kissed it.

"Don't leave me." She said while her eyes were still close. "I love you."

I felt like I was slapped but I didn't took my hand away.

She's in love?
To whom?

I gulped and stood up retrieving my hand from her grip and went to the bathroom. I washed my face and stared to the mirror.

What shit have I been into?
I need a drink.

I took my phone and called Alberta.


"Alberta, where are you. I need to speak with you about something."

"I'm still taking care of the students and I'm supposed to give a statement. The media is expecting it later."

I sighed and grunted.

"Whatever you want to tell me, I think I already know. Mrs. Hawthorne called me earlier and I said that you were the one taking care of Diana. She said she will call later. And please do get some sleep. I already made your leave at the University, Miss Patrize will be taking over your classes. Starting later until Miss Hawthorne is fully recovered."

"As far as my memory refreshens me, I am a Doctor and a Professor, not a babysitter." I hissed at her over the phone while keeping my voice down as if Diana will wake up after the general shot of major pain killers.

"I forsee that you will say that, so I already recommended you to be Miss Hawthorne's Doctor for the mean time since her Doctor is not available at this moment. Mrs. Hawthorne is paying a huge sum of money for you to take care of her daughter."

"And who told you that I agree to that?!,
And I don't care if she gives me her entire bank account. I am not going to stick with this! This is clearly not the field I signed up to!."

"I'm really sorry Tori, I'm gonna make sure that this'll just be for a few days."

"A few days!!! I am not---".

"I need to go Tori, talk to ya later. Sleep now."

The call was ended briefly and I huffed. I sat back down to the chair beside the girl who I am beyond pissed. I don't know what to think or do. I was not expecting anything like this. I just knew this blonde a couple of weeks ago.


I hear a faint whisper from the blonde that sleeps ever so peacefully on the hospital bed.

I watch her frown and mutter something which I can barely hear and understand. I lean my head against my hands again as I plop them on the bed.

Hey! Thanks for the votes guys! Please tell me if I should continue this story! Lovelots! 🍎♥️

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