Early Sunsets Over Monroevile

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((Calm your non-gender-specific nipples, no one dies))

Pete sat on one of the benches outside the library waiting for his friend. Brendon said he was going to be there at eight, but the chances of him actually showing up were getting slimer and slimer as the clock struck 8:15.

Pete pulled out a small notebook out of his pocket sighing in annoyance and made a note to himself that if Brendon hasn't shown up by 8:30 he was leaving.

He looked trough his pocket for a pen and cursed under his breath when he realised he must've lost it sometime earlier. Today's been just peachy for Pete. But despite this, the boy chose not to dwell on the negitve much and tried his best to find a distraction.

His eyes landed on the small notebook in his hands. Patrick had given it to him on his 18th birthday and the boy promised himself to use it for something important. So far, however, he feels like he had broken that promise.

The black faux leather cover had worn out from being moved around boxes and drawers and late night sparks of madness that only left tired eyes and the taste of broken dreams. Because no matter how hard he tried, that's what it all boiled down to. Those early hours of the morning when the lines between realms blur and for a moment everything is perfectly still.

"Hey. Dude. Sorry I'm-sorry I'm late."Brendon said loudly between pants.

Pete felt like he just snapped out of a trance or maybe like he just entered one. Either way he payed no mind to it; Brendon was there now and finding out what had happened at lunch was way more important.

"It's alright."Pete responded vacantly and stood up,"Up for a walk?"he asked the older boy.

Brendon looked at him with a pained expression before sighing and nodding in agreement, following the other boy as they made their way trough the campus.

"Spill."Pete said in a demanding tone, harsher than he intended. He considered apologising, but he was tired and as soon as the elder started speaking his intention was long forgotten.

"Okay, so I lost on purpose at rock, paper, scissors to be able to go with Ryan."Brendon started and Pete hummed in response to let him know he was listening.

"He's my roommate and the impression I've got of him is that he's a pretty quiet guy. So, I though that making friends with him would be nice, ya'know? Kinda like how you room with Joe and Patrick with Andy and so on."Brendon rambeled on, looking at Pete from time to time checking if he's listening.

"Yeah, he caught on and confronted me about it. You know I'm not good in confrontational situation, so of course I screwed myself over big time. He won't even talk to me now."Brendon sighed concluding his story.

"And that's why you were all mopey at lunch?"Pete asked him in a rather unimpressed tone. Then again, not having slept in two days will do that to you.

"Hey, it's a tough period for me too, okay?"Brendon said fake offended and chuckled,"Hey, are you okay?"he asked concerned when he noticed his friend didn't laugh at his joke.

"Huh? Oh, yeah, sorry, I spaced out."Pete apologised distantly.

"When's the last time you slept?"Brendon asked suspicious.

"Dude, calm down, I just spaced out."Pete assured him with a dry chuckle.

"You're lying."Brendon stated shortly and stopped walking.

"I'm not."Pete said stubbornly,"Come on, it's getting late."he added nodding his friend to resume walking.

"Not untill you answer me."Brendon said in the same manner.

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