The edge of tonight

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After dinner the two boys had returned to the apartamnet. Where, true to his word, Brendon told Ryan to wait for him in his room, returining a few minutes later hauling diverse study supplies, as well as some snacks and bowls. He dumped them all on Ryan's bed, then sat down cross-legged, earning a disapproving look from his roommate. When the boy had asked him about the snacks, at first, Brendon just shrugged opening bag of pretzels and dumping them in one of the bowls.

"Studies show that you learn better if you're munching on something while studying."Brendon finally answered, but only because he could feel Ryan staring holes trough his skull.

The boy didn't seem satisfied with this answer, but he dropped the subject regardless, in favour of the book resting in the middle of his bed. Brendon let out a quiet breath of relief because he knew he was full of shit. In reality, he was just worried because all Ryan had had that evening was a milkshake.

Studying was miserable as ever, but with the two splitting tasks it was somewhat more bearable. A few hours pass and the boys were finally done, putting down their pens with a sigh of relief. Somehow they've ended up on opposite ends of the bed, Ryan's legs stacked on top of Brendon's and backs against the bed's headboard and footboard, respectively.

"Ugh, I forgot how long this was."Brendon groaned, letting his head dangle over the edge of the bed.

"I wouldn't say long,"Ryan shifted, but made no attempt to get out of bed,"more like dragged out."he shrugged and took a few pretzels from the bowl on the nightstand.

"Same difference."the dark hair boy sighed and made grabby hands at his roommate to pass him the snacks.

Ryan rolled his eyes with an amused look and handed the other boy the bowl containing the last remaining pretzels.

"How'd you know the girls from the diner?"Ryan asked randomly once Brendon had finishes munching on the pretzels, decimating their number to zero.

"They go to school here, too."he shrugged,"Well, that's how I know Sarah, at least. I met Breezy last year trough Dallon because they're dating."Brendon explained without much thought.

"The tall guy?"Ryan asked, sounding slightly uncertain.

"Mhm."Brendon hummed in agreement,"His family used to live next door, so we pretty much grew up togheter."he chuckled looking back nostalgic to the time they were kids.

"That must've been nice."Ryan muttered under his breath.

Brendon wanted to ask what he meant, but the dark look on his roommate's face told him he wasn't supposed to hear that.

Regaining his composure, Brendon decided to change the subject,"So, what brought you here?"

Ryan looked at him puzzled, because they were in his room afterall. Soon enough, though, realisation dawned on him with little else but an 'oh',"Well, I've been outside the public education sistem for most of my life, so I wanted something new."he sighed,"Also, I had no idea what profile I wanted to go with."he added with a chuckle after a short pause.

"Lucky."Brendon whined, earning a questioning look from Ryan,"You got to escape the public high school experience."he explained in the same whiney tone.

Ryan giggled and shook his head,"Oh, come on, it can't have been that bad."Ryan said incredulous.

"Trust me it was hectic."Brendon said dramatically.

"Okay, Hamlet."Ryan chuckled.

"Low blow."Brendon said, untangling his legs from Ryan's and getting out of bed.

Ryan shot him a confused look, but before he could ask anything Brendon cut him off.

"It's getting late."he explained nodding nodding at the clock on Ryan's nightstand. 11:45 pm.

Brendon could swear he saw a glimpse of disappointment in his roommate's eyes, but the boy shook his head and it was gone as soon as it appeared.

"At least help clean this mess up."he whined playfully, waving at the papers and writing supplies that took up almost half of the boy's bed.

"Ugh, fine."Brendon groaned overdramatically, which made the other laugh.

Brendon decided that Ryan had a really nice laugh, even if he wasn't ever going to tell that to him. The boy made a mental note to try and make his friend laugh as often as possible. No matter how stupid or what lenghts he had to go to.

"I'm glad you and Brendon are getting along."Patrick muttered so quietly that Ryan thought at first that he was imagining things.

He looked up from his algebra homework confused and at his friend, who quickly ducked his head behind the history book he held in front of him. It was almost like some sort of shield. Almost.

"What do you mean?"he whispered loud enough for the other to hear.

"I dunno..."Patrick muttered and paused for a moment,"Never mind, it's stupid."he shook his head, peaking out from behind the cellulose wall only to give his friend a small smile.

The boy's head bobbed right back and Ryan frowned. With Patrick, he had learnt, it was never a case of 'I don't know' rather of 'I don't want you to react badly'. The boy pushed his algebra homework to the side with a sigh and slightly pulled on Patrick's defence, making the book topple over and fall on the table with a soft 'thump'. Patrick let out a small squeal, his expression changing from starteled to embarassed as his brain caught up with his actions.

"Sorry."Patrick muttered, a light shade of pink dusting his cheeks.

Ryan shook his head and put on his best reassuring smile,"It's fine. What did you want to say?"he asked him.

Patrick looked at him weighting his options, before dropping his gaze back to the floor,"It's just..."he started reluctantly,"when you two were fighting everything was wrong. Andy and Joe weren't bikkering as always because Andy was always gone and Joe was busy taking care of Pete. Pete-"he took a sharp inhale when he said the boy's name.

"He lost a lot of sleep. He would pass out in most of his classes and he had these dark purple bags under his eyes. He hid them with make-up, but I could still see them. God, I barely even saw Brendon. He only ever went to his classes, but even then he sat in the back with this vacant look and-"Patrick went on, his voice cracking occasionally.

"Hey."Ryan interupted him putting a hand on his shoulder,"What about you?"he asked putting emphasis on the last word.

Patrick turned to face him looking shocked. He opened and closed his mouth, almost like he wanted to say something, but everytime he tried he changed his mind, untill-"Me?"the boy asked slightly perplexed.

Ryan nodded.

"Me."Patrick repeated, this time more certain, almost sorrowful,"I watched. I-I didn't know how to help and...and I didn't want to be, you anyone's way. So I just...I watched."he said in a shaky voice, tears pooling in his eyes.

"Patrick, I'm so sorry."Ryan apologised, mouth gone dry.

"It's fine."Patrick reassured weakly, wiping away a few stray tears tumbling down his cheeks,"Everything's fine now."he reassured; and Ryan wasn't certain if it was for him or Patrick.

Regardless, he gave the shorter boy a hug. He really was so sorry.

A/N: I'm sorry for all the angst, but I swear, it gets better later on in the story.

Right now they're still adjusting with the new settings and eachother, accidentally overstepping boundaries which is why all the   a n g s t .

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