Chapter One

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Over the years the supernatural has been exposed to us humans and once us humans found out, the vampires attacked our whole race.

The vampires took over the world.

Not a single human is left out there with freedom, they captured us all.

They separated us in categories you could say; the elderly women and men were slaughtered, middle aged women were used to reproduce us humans for the next generation. The middle aged men were slaves to the vampires and were used to build empires. The young boys were learning to respect and honour the vampires and were trained to be warriors, as for me the young girls, were taught to respect and submit ourselves to these vampires who kept us as slaves and used us as blood bags.

Us young girls attend school where they teach us these stupid lessons about obeying your master aka vampire king.

When we turn eighteen years old we have a special seminar once every four years where the three vampire King's come together and choose whoever they want and keep them for slavery. As for the rest of the girls they get sold on to the vampire public to keep as their own.

Crazy, right?

After school we go straight to our dorm rooms, most girls get along with one another whereas for me, not quite. Let's just say I'm different and have a bit of a loud mouth.

There's always punishment when pissing off the vampires. The girls in my class are always surprised to see me still alive from how many times I've fucked up.

A loud bang erupts from my table making me snap out of my daydream.

"Violet!" My teacher snaps.

"Mrs Hale," I say back blankly.

"Pay attention or else," she say's wickedly.

She walks back to her desk as I let out a light scoff.

Stupid bitch!

Everyone still staring at me I look back at them with wide eyes "What!" I shout at them making them divert their attention back to the board.

"Humans, I have important news to tell you," she clasps her hands together and continues "your seminar is coming up in three days so be on your best behaviour and study over the rules I have taught you all, as you all know the three King's will be there and if you want to have a somewhat better experience, behave so you can get the chance of being chosen by the kings."

I can give too fucks about the seminar.

"That is all , now go back to your dorms," she say's and sits in her large throne looking seat.

I walk back to my dorm room to get ready for bed.

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