Chapter Eight

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I walk around in search for a bathroom but all the doors I checked are all guest rooms.

This place is a fucking maze.

I see a man standing at the end of the hall maybe he can locate me to a bathroom. "Hi, excuse me hi um do you know where I can find the bathroom?" I ask politely as possible.

The man held a weird grin on his face "right this way," he says gesturing further down the hall.

He opens a door, I walk in as so does he "where's the bathroom?" I ask looking around. This literally looks like every other guest room.

Turning around to see him standing above me intimidatingly, I gulp taking a step back.

My heart begins to race rapidly.

"There's nothing to be scared of little one," he says creepily as he steps a couple more steps forward.

"I'm just looking for the bathroom sir," I say trying to be as nice as possible as I don't know this man's intentions.

The creepy man starts unbuttoning his suit jacket "it's okay I don't really need to use the bathroom," I say and walk past him.

He throws his jacket on the bed and quickly wraps his arm around my waist "not so fast little one," he says as spins me around to face him.

He touches the side of my face and caresses my cheek, he tilts my chin up with his long index finger.

Leaning into me his lips rest on my neck making my whole body shiver.

What am I supposed to do in this situation? I don't want this.

He slowly kisses my neck, I moan in disgust as I try to pull away but he only tightens his grip on my waist.

His lips suddenly latch onto my skin as he starts sucking on my flesh, is he going to bite? I've never been bitten.

I push at his chest harder making him move back slightly.

I run to the door trying to open it, just as it opens a little his two hands slam on the door above head.
I sigh not knowing what else I can do.

The man moves my hair from my back, he kisses my bare shoulder. I feel his hand touch the zip of my dress slowly the sound of my zip comes undone.

He bends down leaving kisses from the top of my back to the bottom.

He slides my dress off my body leaving it to fall to the floor I look down as I'm surrounded in a pool of expensive fabric.

A tear slips from my eye, why am I always put in one of these situations?

The man aggressively pulls my wrist dragging me towards the bed, he pushes me down forcefully probably forgetting his own strength compared to mine.

His eyes glowed in the slight dark while looking at me. The Veins in his face were more noticeable making me even more scared.

"Please don't," I cry.

He showed me his fangs, his vampire in him must be in full control.

I shuffle backwards on the bed but he grips my ankles making me squeal, he pulls me to the edge of the bed and leans over me.

He pulls my hair back making me look into his Red Devil eyes, he smashes his lips onto mine. I don't kiss back which seems to make him bite my bottom lips causing me to gasp, opening up for him to stick his wet tongue into my mouth.

His other hand sneakily finds its way to my private area, he slowly rubs his fingers up and down on top of the only fabric stopping him from having and easy entrance.

I clench my thighs together trapping his hand, he growls in anger.

I whimper "stop," I cry.

He uses his other hand to pry my thighs open, he pulls my pants to the side as he slips his fingers in rubbing the moist area.

I clamp shut my thighs again making him even more angry, he suddenly warps his large hand around my neck pushing me into the bed so I can't move as his other hand nips the inside of my thigh making making open them to him. He grins as he slides his middle finger into my entrance making me arch my back.

I cry uncontrollably, what is happening to me?

Suddenly I hear a loud crack, the man's head sharply moves to the right as he falls to the ground with a loud thud.

I look down at his lifeless body in shock.

"Hurry up he's not dead, he'll be waking up in a couple minutes," the dark, gruff voice says.

I sat there shocked not able to move, my saviour wrapped his large hand around my small wrist pulling me towards the door.

He bends down picking up my dress, gathering it he puts it over my head letting the rest of the fabric fall covering my body. He helps me slip my arms through the holes of the dress and zips up the back.

He pulls me out of that room "I was looking everywhere for you, and this is what I see! you getting finger fucked by this creep!" he says angrily.

Only just now I realised it's my mysterious date who saved me from that creep.

"If you want to be sold off go ask King Ashton next time and he'll happily arrange that for you, you stupid slut!" He shouts anger seething through him.

I stand there still paralysed from what just happened "can you please help me find the bathroom?" I ask quietly.

I wrap my skinny arm around his large bulky arm, he walks me to the bathroom.

We reach the bathroom, he opens the door for me I walk in as so does he. My heart begins to beat super fast and he too can hear it with his vampire hearing as he looks at my chest and then into my eyes.

"Ca-can you please wait outside please," I say quietly hanging my head down ashamed.

He doesn't answer me he just walks out closing the door behind him.

I cry looking into the mirror, god why am I so weak?

I should have just kept my ass in that damn seat!

I slipped out of my dress feeling disgusted with myself. I peed and clean myself, putting my dress back on I struggle with the zip as my body aches from the rush of adrenaline and I can't seem to reach the little zip.

I wash my hands and open the bathroom door to reveal my mysterious date. I turn around showing him my back he seems to understand as he moves my hair from my back making shiver as it reminds me of that disgusting man. He zips up my dress "let's go back to our table," he says and takes my small hand in his large one.

We sit at our table and King Ashton looks at us suspiciously, my date nods his head at King Ashton as he too repeats the same gesture and then looks at me. I dart my eyes away from him now looking at the marble floor across the room.

I just want to get out of here.

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