Chapter Six

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"So it's settled, Saturday night we will have a ball," king Ashton say's while standing up from his seat as he picks up his paperwork.

"Come," he say's to me.

Quickly standing to my feet I follow him out of the meeting and upstairs.

He opens another door walking in what seems to look like an office.

He stands at his desk setting the papers down, while I'm just standing in front of his desk awkwardly.

Like what am I supposed to do?

He looks up at me, "sit," he says gesturing to the seat in front of his desk.

I slowly sit down. He too sits down across from me.

"So the ball that commences on Saturday night involves coming with a date."

Wait, is he going ask me to be his date?

"I'll be attending with Hazel so I've set you with a good friend of mines, so you better be on your best behaviour because if you even fuck up in the slightest you will be punished. Do you understand me?" He say's.

"Yes," I say.

He arches his eyebrow "excuse me," he says threateningly.

I gulp "um yes King Ashton," I say as I bow my head in forgiveness as I can no longer look him in the eye because feel like he's just going to jump on me any second and kill me.

"Leave!" He says abruptly.

I jump out my seat and speed walk to the door quickly exiting.

What the fuck am I supposed to do now?

I walk back to my room and sit on my bed.

That guy has some serious anger issues. Like so do I but he's on a whole other level.

Too bored in my room I decided to wander around the halls.

I come to a stop as a dark creepy hall stands before me.

I slowly walk towards it trying not make any noise, you can either go left or right at the end of the dark hallway.

I turn right and scream so loud that I'm pretty sure I've burst my own eardrums.

A man appears out of nowhere right in front of me.

"What are you doing here?" He asks darkly.

"Um-I um I'm l-lost," I stutter as this man looks really angry for no reason, not that I know of anyways.

"You shouldn't be down here," he says.

"Why? Why is it so dark down here unlike the rest of the house?" I ask genuinely curious.

"That's none of your concern, you have no right to be in this part of the house it's forbidden," he say's snarling at me.

I gulp slowly stepping backwards "okay I'm sorry," I say and turn around to walk away.

He grabs my forearm turning me around, I gasp from the harsh interaction.

Like what's his deal? I'm leaving.

"Who are you?"he asks knotting his eyebrows together.

"I'm king Ashton's chosen, my name is Violet Wolf," I say.

I pull my arm out of his grip and walk away down the hall back into the light where it's less scary.

Well I guess that's enough sightseeing for today.

I should probably head back to my room. I wonder what their hiding there that I'm not allowed to see.

I lay on my bed falling asleep as I really have nothing else to do.

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