Chapter Five

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We walk inside and he instantly gets greeted by a tall girl who has black hair and plump lips, she's stunning.

Like supermodel stunning.

She kisses him on his lips and I look away feeling as though I'm invading their privacy.

"Who's that?" She say's distastefully as she points at me.

" My chosen," He say's blankly.

"Ugh! She's so ugly," she say's.

Like really bitch?

"Thanks!" I say sharply with a clear fake smile plastered on my face.

I know I shouldn't be rude cause she could rip my head off in one swift movement but she's just one rude Bitch.

She snaps at me showing her fangs, I flinch slightly.

"It's fine Hazel, I'll handle it," King Ashton say's.

Hazel walks away with sass.

King Ashton aggressively grabs my upper arm pulling me up the stairs, he opens a door and throws me in making me land on my ass.

I look around, it's a bedroom a basic ass bedroom.

"This is your room and another thing watch your mouth little wolf," he says and slams the door shut locking it.

Did he just call me little wolf?

Oh yeah cause my last name is wolf, huh...makes sense.

I lay on my new bed looking up at the smooth ceiling, feeling a little sleepy I shut my eyes and the darkness consumes me.

My room door bursts open making jump awake as I look at king Ashton with wide eyes.

What a way to enter someone's room!

Breathing heavily I place my hand above heart to keep it from fucking jumping out.

"Get up," king Ashton say's with no expression.

I quickly jump up to my feet.

"Yes king Ashton," I say.

"Come with me," he says and leaves my room expecting me to follow, in which I do.

I walk behind him as he strides throughout the hallways as I look around, admiring the interior of this massive home.


Fuck that hurt.

King Ashton turns around and looks at me angrily because I just walked into his rock solid back.

Shouldn't I be the one angry?

Liquid trickles down from my nose, instantly I wipe it on the back of my hand.

I look at my hand in disgust as it's covered in blood.

I wipe my nose again with my other hand and once again it's covered in blood.

My breathing get heavier as I start to panic, I don't know what it is but when I see my own blood I freak out but if I see someone else's blood I'm not really fazed by it.

My eyes tear up as I'm panicking.

I hear king Ashton sigh angrily as he pulls something out from his pocket and hands me a tissue.

Taking it I hold it on my nose to stop the blood.

He turns around and opens the large double doors, walking in I follow behind him still shaking and heavy breathing.

He sits in his fancy chair as I stand beside his chair holding my bloody nose.

Looking down the long table I see the three vampire kings and their chosen sitting next to them.

"Sit," king Ashton orders.

Slowly I pull my seat out and sit my ass down.

Everyone stares at me with wide eyes even the vampire kings.

"She did that to herself," King Ashton say's cutting the silence as he looks at his paperwork in front of him.

Finally everyone looks away from me.

I slowly start to calm down as I close my eyes and focus on my breathing.

Opening my eyes I look around.

God why is it so intense in this room?

Next thing I know Hazel strides into the room making her way over to King Ashton, she's kisses him and sits next to him as she makes sure to snarl at me as she does so.

The vampires kings soon begin to talk about their business or whatever as I zone out thinking what my life has come to.

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