Chapter Seven

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Today is mother fucking Saturday which means the ball is today.

I'm guessing my dress is hanged up in that fancy looking zip bag to stop clothes from getting dusty and shit.

I slowly walk down the stairs in my six inch heels that I did not want to wear.

King Ashton and Hazel look at me intensely as I approach them. "Your date is just coming," king Ashton say's.

Out of no where that same guy that scared the living shit out of me when I went down that dark hallway is standing in front of me. "This is your date, do not leave his side," he says harshly as leaves out the house and to his car that's driving him to the ball.

I look up at the mysterious vampire, he looks down at me darkly making me dart my eyes anywhere else but him.

I gulp, let's see what this night has to hold.

We arrive at the ball, I step out the car and next to my date who I still don't know his name by the way.

He snakes his large arm around my waist making me instantly look up at him surprised.

He pulls me in closer to him as he bends down and leans into my ear "do not leave my side if you want to stay alive," he whispers and stands back to his full height.

I gulp.

Okay, okay...

We walk inside and it's absolutely glamorous, marble everywhere and a huge, crystal chandelier sat rich right in the centre.

Not to mention everyone looked astonishingly, gorgeous.

I bet I look like a bum as everyone looks at me with weird expressions. Like do I have something on my face?

My mysterious date and I sit at a table with king Ashton and his date Hazel.

Hazel looks over at me and gives a look of disgust, like the fuck I do to her. She flips her hair behind her shoulder and turns the other way.

Yeah that's right look the other way or else! I say inside myself like, obviously if actually said that to her I'd be dead  instantly.

Looking around the table I notice king Ashton has disappeared, hmm I wonder where he went?

Me being me I have the urge to pee, I stand up to leave and find a bathroom but I get stopped by some motherfucker gripping onto my wrist, he pulls me back into my seat.

"Where do you think your going?" He asks angrily.

"Pee," I say straight to the point.

He rolls his eyes angrily "you have fives minutes and you better be back. Go," he says finally releasing my wrist which is actually quite red now.

I rub my wrist and stand up to go find a bathroom in this massive mansion.

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