Chapter Nine

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We arrive home and the car journey can I say this...awkward as fuck.

I step inside as the warmth wrapped around my small body.

"King Ashton wants you in his office now," my mysterious date orders.

I walk to his office and it seems mysterious man is coming along.

I knock on the large doors "enter," King Ashton says.

I walk in and so does mysterious man "sit" King Ashton says.

He clasps his large, veiny hands together.

"So what happened in there?" He asks seriously.

"What do you mean?" I play dumb, I really just don't want to talk about it.

I want to forget it even happened.

"What happened," he asked more demandingly.

"Nothing happened," I say innocently as if I really don't know what he's talking about.

King Ashton sighs and pinches the bridge of his perfectly shaped nose.

"Zak, explain to me what happened " he tells the mysterious man and I look up at him beside me looking at his features as I try to put the new name to his face.

Well, what would know the name fits.

"Your chosen wondered off to find the bathroom, so I went to look for her only to be met with Gabriel Mortez touching her sexually," Zak says formally like a solider.

I dropped my head staring at my fingers as i fidgeted with them.

"Is that true?" He asks.

"Yes," I say shyly.

"Excuse me!" King Ashton says angrily.

"Yes king Ashton," I say fixing my mistake.

"So you went looking around to find someone to fuck you!" He says angrily.

My head snaps up, what the fuck!


I was looking for the bathroom. Why does everyone think that I'm some sort of slut wanting to be fucked?

"No," I say loudly.

He looks at me with a deathly glare from the way I responded back to him.

"No King Ashton," I quickly fix.

"Your just like the rest of the fucking whores," he says disgustingly.

Tears spill from my eyes from being called nasty names, usually names wouldn't bother me but for some reason it did.

Maybe because of what I just went through and I actually feel like blaming myself like it's my fault that what happened was because of me.

I stand up abruptly knocking chair on the floor, I turn around and walk towards the door.

"Don't you dare walk away from me Violet!" King Ashton says with so much rage.

That's the first time he's actually said my name.

"Zak you can leave," he says as Zak opens the door walking out and shutting it closed behind him.

Within seconds king Ashton stood behind me, I gulp and stare at the door.

What is he going to do? Kill me?

I would actually like that to be fair.

"Ugly slut turn around and face me," he says with pure disgust and I actually feel like I am everything he is calling me from the way he says each word.

I slowly turn around to be met with his chest, I gulp and look up looking into the eyes of the king of all vampires.

He grabs my chin tightly "you have some nerve looking me in the eye, slut," he says putting pressure on my chin.

I just stare him in the eyes not being affected by the pain he's inflicting on me.

His eyes grew darker with rage, he throws me to the floor "you better fix your attitude by tomorrow morning or you'll be regretting it," he says darkly.

He walks back to his chair, sitting down "now get out of my office whore," he says looking at the paper scattered on his desk.

I stand up and walk back to my room, I step inside my room instantly taking my heels off and my dress.

I jump into bed not even bothered to fully get ready for the night.

I slip into a deep sleep.

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