Chapter Ten

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I wake up and surprisingly there sat on the edge of the bed a neatly folded outfit with a towel.

I guess they want me to shower, do I smell that bad?

I grab the towel and clothes and walk to bathroom down the hall.

Stepping into the shower I thoroughly wash my hair and body with a vanilla scented soap as try to get rid of that disgusting man's touch from last night.

I dry my body and change into the short skimpy dress I was given. I pull on a pair of white socks and slip into slippers.

I walk back to my small, average sized room and lay on my bed. Suddenly Zak barges through the door startling me as I jump up.

"King Ashton wants you in his office now," Zak say's formally.

I nod my head and follow behind him as I still don't know my way around this place.

Zak knocks on his large office doors "come in," king Ashton say's loudly.

Zak opens the door and gestures me to go in, he closes the door behind me as I walk closer to king Ashton's desk.

"King Ashton, you asked for me?" I say unsure.

"Yes. Sit," he orders.

I do as I'm told and sit in the chair directly in front of him "I had to kill one of my maids, so we are short of staff at the moment. From now on you will take on some duties until I find another suitable maid, do you understand me?" He say's blankly.

Yeah, cause killing your maid is no big deal!

"Yes king Ashton," I say looking down at his desk and not into his eyes as I don't want a repeat of yesterday to happen again.

"Good. Now leave," he says rudely.

What an asshole.

I stand up "thank you king Ashton," I say and leave from his office.

I sigh, god it's always so intense in there.

I walk downstairs into the kitchen, I see a young girl with blonde hair and green eyes. She's very pretty as she wore her maid uniform but it makes her look sexy as if it's more of a costume rather than a uniform.

Approaching her she looks at me with wide eyes "um-hi, how can I help you?" She asks scared.

"Hi I'm Violet I was asked to do some chores around here. What would you like me to do?" I ask politely.

She softly smiles as she seems surprised by my kindness "I'm belle and um well, you could start on the dishes if you don't mind?" She say's looking around the kitchen.

"Yeah that's fine," I say smiling, making my way to the sink.

Wow there's a lot of dishes.

Putting on some gloves I get to work.

Almost done half an hour later a certain someone comes up behind me invading my personal space. She snorts "it looks like he fucked you and is now bored that's he decided to make you a maid," Hazel say's from behind me.

It was actually kind of therapeutic washing the dishes in silence until this bitch showed up.

"It's actually not what you think," I say continuing to finish the dishes.

"Oh really?" She says and grabs my arm and pulls me into a room.

"What is your problem?" I asks snatching my wrist from her tight grasp.

"You are my problem," he says pointing her long nail into my chest. "Ever since you've arrived Ashton has not had sex with me," she say's angrily.

"And what's that got to do with me?" I ask getting annoyed.

"He's fucking you isn't he? And you want him all to yourself. Well let me tell you something you little slut. Every chosen that he's had he's fucked them over and over and these bitches obsess over him, which pisses him off and he ends up killing them all!" she say's  anger growing within her as she backs me up against the wall and strangles me.

"W-What! No!" I say breathlessly as I try to claw at her hand to release me.

"W-we haven't d-done anything, I don't e-even like h-im," I say struggling.

"What?" She asks confused.

She lets go of me dropping me to the floor, I cough trying to catch my breath back.

"What do you mean?" She asks looking at me intensely.

I rub my sore neck "we haven't had sex or done anything! I don't like him either!" I say harshly to get it through her brain.

"Really? Why do you not like him?" She asks not believing me.

"He's done nothing but hurt me. How can anyone like a monster like him!" I say strongly.

"True," she say's flipping her hair.

"Well I guess I don't have any issues with you then. We can be friends I suppose," she says some what apologetically.

I just don't want any drama with anyone.

"Fine sure," I say blankly.

She squeals and hugs me "sorry for strangling you by the way," she say's.

I sigh "it's okay," I say. well at least she'll leave me alone now.

"Wait! Can you help me to get Ashton to fall for me?" She asks excitedly.

To be honest it's not a bad idea. It may help me spend a lot more time away from king Ashton and hopefully he won't want to use me for his sexual desires.

"Yes of course," I say happily.

She jumps with joy and pulls me in for another long hug, I lightly hug her back.

Well this should be interesting...

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