(please pretend that the above image is Izuku or it isn't there... I recommend the latter)
His whole life, Izuku had been told that he was powerless.
Midoriya Izuku, a resident in the Musutafu district of Japan, was apart of the 20% of the population that was 'quirkless,' meaning they didn't have a superpower. His whole life, he had been bullied, ridiculed, and demeaned.
At the age of 4, when Izuku came back from the quirk doctor to tell his best friend Bakugo Katsuki, nickname Kacchan, Bakugo exploded with anger. And not out of sympathy for his friend's misfortune. No, he was disappointed with himself for ever being nice to a useless, quirkless piece of trash.
So all through Elementary school, Izuku was pointed at, laughed at, and was talked dirty about. Middle School came, and Bakugo and his gang became more violent and physical with their attacks. Bakugo wasn't afraid to use his Explosion quirk to get what he wanted, and everyone in the school was scared of the bully and his powerful quirk. And forget about the teachers standing up for Izuku, because what's the point in sticking up for a powerless, useless human?
But Izuku always wanted to be a hero. He watched videos of heroes defeating villains, he took notes, he fanboyed. And he never gave up on his dream, no matter how many times he was told it was impossible.
But his whole life changed with the words from his idol and the #1 Hero, All Might.
Izuku walks down the road to his house, looking over his journals. Man, Kacchan really did a number on them... "HAHA, I have found the perfect disguise!" A slime villain suddenly appears, and Izuku startles. Millions of thoughts cram in his brain, but there's one main one - RUN. Izuku scrambles to get away, but the villain grabs him and starts to absorb Izuku, drowning his body in green sludge. "You are the perfect vessel... hehehehahahahaha...". Struggling, Izuku tries to remain conscious, but is quickly loosing strength and his vision becomes dark. 'Dammit...' Izuku thinks. 'If only... if only I had a quirk...'
"TEXAS SMASH!" Suddenly massive amounts of air pressure hits him, and the slime villain is blown away from Izuku. "I... AM HERE!" All Might shouts. "ALL MIGHT!" Izuku screams, his inner fanboy being unleashed.
"I-I-I... I'm such a HUGE FAN!!! P-Please s-sign m-m-my noteb-book..." Izuku stutters, holding out his notebook. "HAHAHA! OF COURSE, YOUNG MAN!" All Might scribbles away his signature, and hands it back to Izuku, who is squealing and jumping around. "NOW I MUST GO, FOR EVIL NEVER RESTS!" All Might turns, when suddenly Izuku stops him. "W-wait... All Might please I have an important question. 'My time limit is running out... but I must answer this young man's question quickly...' "YES?" All Might boomed. Izuku looked up at All Might with determination and hope filled in his eyes.
"Can I become a hero, even if I'm quirkless?". "YOUNG MAN... I'M SORRY, BUT YOU CANNOT. YOU WOULD ONLY GET IN THE WAY, AND YOUR QUIRKLESSNESS WOULD MAKE YOU A LIABILITY. IF YOU CANNOT PROTECT YOURSELF, THEN YOU CANNOT PROTECT OTHERS." Izuku's heart lurched. He knew that, he knew that All Might was right, and that was the reality he lived in. "IF YOU WANT TO HELP PEOPLE, BECOME A POLICE OFFICER OR SOMETHING. NOW YOUNG MAN, I MUST GO. GOODBYEeeeeee!" All Might leapt away into the distance, leaving a broken Izuku standing there.
'All Might is right," Izuku thought. 'I know that, I know that, I know that.' A tear slipped down Izuku's cheek, then another, and then tears started pouring. Izuku dropped to his knees, not even bothering to wipe away his tear-stained face. He looked at his hands with his dull, lifeless eyes. 'I will train away the tears. I will train away the sadness. I will not cry again.' Izuku vowed to himself. 'I will become better than anyone ever thought I could be.

Primal Instinct Izuku
FanfictionEveryone thinks Izuku is quirkless... even himself. When All Might crushes Izuku's dreams of becoming a hero, Izuku shuts himself into his house for a year, and emerges with a newfound quirk, a lesson in confidence, and a powerful body. His quirk, P...