Pure Death

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*Lydia's POV*

Literature started off normally. I already knew most of the things being taught so I just sat there staring out of the window.


I turned to see who had called for me, but everyone's head was down, writing notes. I shrugged it off and went back to spacing off.

"Save us."

I ignored the voice, not in the mood to deal with someone's games.

I started to hear whispering from beside me and turned around annoyed at whoever had decided to keep playing around with me.

"Sun will fall from the sky, night will exist forever. We will rebuild a new generation of pure, death."

My head moved around the room rapidly. My eyes were wide and I was in shock. How?

No one had even looked at me, who the hell did I just hear!?

"Lydia?" I snapped my head towards the front of the room where Mr. Derby stood.

"Are you doing okay Lydia?" He asked me with a confused expression.

It tuck me a while to form words.

"I just- did... did you hear someone?"

"What do you mean? I'm the only one who's been speaking. Do you need to go to the nurse Lydia?"

"No! I'm fine." I let my head fall onto my desk.

This voice thing was really starting to throw me off.

*Brenda's POV*

Lydia had told me that she kept hearing voices telling her the same things I've seen in my dreams. So I guess were connected somehow. I hadn't talked to Stiles about it though, he was already going through enough and so was Scott. We had some dumb pre-test tomorrow that would tell us how "collage ready" we were. We would have to go to school on a Thursday, and test for three hours straight. I really hated life -_-

I heard the bell ring and I saw one of my real best friends from 6th grade run to me.

"Hey Brenda are we going up to Ms. Vaughan's to pick up the long board?!"

I smiled at her and shook my head.

"Let's do this."

We've been planning on taking a long board from our Language Arts class that hasn't been claimed for a week. We climbed up the three flights of stairs and knocked on Ms. Vaughan's classroom door.

"Hey what do you guys need?" She asked us with a board tone.

"We're here to pick that thing up. Yeah cause, it's ours now..." I said nervously.

I picked the board up and we walked out, deciding who would get to keep it. Rebekah won that debate, but I got to take care of it for her for the rest of the day. Boy did that plan turn on me.

I entered my Physics class and laid the long board under the teachers table then went to my seat. Physics was my worst subject. I already struggled in Algebra and was barely starting to get it and then BAM! Here comes Physics to brake down my brain all over again.

Before I entered my class this guy said, "Hey isn't that Anthony's board?"

I turned red and said, "Well it's Rebekahs board now." Then ran to class.

I saw Anthony come into class.

Earlier that day in Geography he was going to take his shirt off because he had another one under and he was getting hot. So as a joke I started to chant.

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