The Night Everything Went To Hell

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Alright, well let me just say they finally go into the woods. Which wasn't a good idea.

Oh Brenda

~~Stiles's POV~~~

I remembered the day I told Scott about my mother. I had actually told him everything. I don't know why I didn't tell Brenda. I trusted her with all my soul, but something kept stopping me. I stayed in her arms for a while, crying. We ended up laying down on my bed, her by my side and holding my hand.

She didn't speak, just stared up at the ceiling. Then she fell asleep. It was 10:28p.m. Her mom must be pissed. I was about to shack her awake but she looked like she hasn't had a good night sleep in weeks, so I left her alone while I went to my kitchen to get something to eat.

"Hey, Stiles." I let out a huff of air as I was startled by my father who was eating a sandwich.

"When you get here?" I asked.

"A few minutes ago. Hey, whose is that?" My dad asked while he arched an eyebrow.

"That's... mine!" I wasn't really suppose to have anyone over at these time. Not even Scott.

"Yeah." My dad just looked at me with a questioning look.

"Lydia and Scott-" I stopped, they never came over to my house, we were at Brenda's

"I mean... it was just Brenda. She came over." I said, casually reaching over the table for a bag of Doritos.

"Are you lying to me? You don't have to lie Stiles." He chewed on his sandwich, a worried look on his face now.

"I wasn't I just got confused."

"Well, did Brenda get home okay?"

I stopped my hand mid say through the bag and looked up at him with wide eyes.

No, shes sleeping on my bed, in my room.

"Yeah. She's fine. Shes home, because I drove her there. With my car." My eye twitched and I cranked my neck. God I'm stupid.

"Sometimes I ask myself..." he stopped what he was saying, although I could figure it out on my own what filled in the blanks.

I stayed silent and chewed on a Dorito.

"Well, she's a nice girl son." My father walked over to the sink and put his plate in. He then walked over to me and patted my back.

I watched him go upstairs, eying if he peeked into my room. Thankfully he didn't even look at my door. As I finished off a few Doritos I got hungry and decided to eat something. I wonder if Brenda's hungry. I tried to remember the last time she ate, which was actually a while ago. She ate some nachos, a piece of bread, two chicken nuggets, some watermelon, and grapes at 12:23pm.

It was 10:38pm right now. I felt bad that I said I would feed her then didn't.

I got out a hot pocket and put it in the microwave. Hopefully she would wake up so she could eat.

"Hey Stiles, close your window it's not safe having it wide open. Plus it's cold, what's wrong with you?"

My head shot up in horror. Brenda! I stumbled up stairs next to my dad and looked out of my window onto the dark empty streets.

"She's gone." I whispered.

"Who's gone?" My dad said in a confused tone.

I let out a sigh of defeat. "Brenda."

~~Brenda's POV~~~

I left Stiles a note so he wouldn't worry, but I just had to go. I kind of regretted going alone but I honestly don't think anyone would want to give up their sleep for me. So I walked along the road for a few miles until I made it to the woods. I crawled under the Do Not Enter sign and began my journey.

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