*Scott's POV*
"I'll be fine I really don't need you to be in every aspect of my God damn life!" I was starting to get angry.
"I beg to differ. You can't just be a lone Wolf Scott, you're not strong enough."
I've had enough of this guy. All he did was criticize me and he wasn't helping at all!
"Get out!" I growled.
"Excuse me?" His eyes glistened with disbelief.
"You heard me. I want you out because you have no reason to be near me or my friends I never needed you! All you do is talk, but you never even-"
"That's where you're wrong Scott," he interrupted.
"You haven't given me a chance to show you squat cause all you do is whine! You can't handle the truth or take constructive criticism when thrown at you multiple times! You're just a stupid, stubborn kid who thinks he can do everything by himself! If I'm not here to help you no one will!"
"I have friends! Stiles will help me!" I spat.
He chuckled coldly.
"Stiles? You think that hyper-active spaz can just read about us and solve all your problems? Well I hate to break it to you but life doesn't work like that. You think he can get more out of Google and a book than I have known for the past 20 years I've been alive!?"
I stayed silent.
"I was born like this Scott. If anything you're lucky to have me here willingly helping you."
His face was only inches from mine, with a look of disappointment and anger. That look was instantly wiped off his face as he sniffed at something. I, on the other hand could smell it's rotten heart beating against it's inhumanly large chest.
"It's here."
*Stiles POV*
Once we arrived home I still couldn't remember anything no matter how hard I tried. What I did remember was seeing myself. It really made me re-think all of Brenda's dreams.
I ran upstairs and went straight for the shower. I smelled like oak, dirt, and sweat.
"Stiles." I heard my dad call for me.
"Yeah dad?"
"Are you okay?"
I stopped going through my dresser, and looked up into his eyes.
It was his mother. That's what he was thinking about now. When she died, I began to sleep walk. I walked everywhere. Anywhere. Just to be with her. I dreamed about my mother a lot. So when I would sleep walk, she would be there with me. I liked it and never tuck my medications because of her.
But than eventually my dad began to figure out that I wasn't taking my medication, so he hid the pills in my food where I would taste or smell it. I had to let go at one point I guess. But this was different, I didn't see my mother this time.
"Yeah, everything's fine dad." I gave him a weak smile.
"Okay. Well um, if you want to talk I'm here." He than smiled at me and closed my door.
"I miss her too."
*Unknown POV*
I can tell they sensed me, but I didn't care. They would never catch me, much less face me. I smelled the fear coming out of both of them, especially Derek. Because he knew what kind of power I had. He's lost many battles against me. His whole family has crumbled down trying to kill me off. And our little Scott McCall.
He would never stand a chance. I really cannot wait to see the look on his face when I put him in the worst positions possible to man. I will make him a killer, but if he wasn't worthy, I'd just finish him off.
Derek made his way to the window, sniffing out of if, trying to find me. While Scott kept still, trying to listen. Such fools they are. I slowly crawled back into a bush, still watching Derek.
Soon everything will be perfect again.

The Gift
FanfictionBrenda is a regular teenage girl. She doesn't fit in so well, her mother is never around, she only has three best friends, and she has the ability to slide into other people's memories or so she thinks that what she can do. She has never heard of he...